Danette Matty, Author at YouthMinistry.com https://youthministry.com/author/danette-matty/ Daily Wisdom for Youth Workers. Fri, 25 Dec 2020 18:53:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 What Are You Giving Jesus for Christmas? https://youthministry.com/give-jesus-christmas/ https://youthministry.com/give-jesus-christmas/#respond Mon, 30 Nov 2020 13:05:04 +0000 https://youthministry.com/?p=76378 Some years ago, I started an annual holiday tradition that involves just two people—Jesus and me.
At the core of the Gospel is John 3:16: God gives… And because He gives, we long to give back. King David prayed, “Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand” (1 Chronicles 29:14).…

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https://youthministry.com/give-jesus-christmas/feed/ 0 What if you knew Jesus would change you from the inside out based on the gift you give Him? Here's an activity you and your teenagers can try this Christmas!https://youthministry.com/wp-content/upload/ymprod/juliana-malta-H_QRDnhsvZo-unsplash-270x196.jpg270196
The Four Fives https://youthministry.com/the-four-fives/ https://youthministry.com/the-four-fives/#respond Mon, 13 Jul 2020 16:00:06 +0000 https://youthministry.com/?p=77003 In the midst of the pandemic shutdown, our youth pastor and intern joined forces to create a daily devotion—a social media post called The Four Fives.
It’s a visual prompt that encourages students to spend five minutes in four spiritual disciplines every day: Prayer, the Word, Worship, and Waiting.…

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https://youthministry.com/the-four-fives/feed/ 0 https://youthministry.com/wp-content/upload/ymprod/nathan-dumlao-MrtzHLp4zVM-unsplash-270x196.jpg270196
Confessions of a Youth Worker—The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly https://youthministry.com/confessions-of-a-youth-pastor-the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly/ https://youthministry.com/confessions-of-a-youth-pastor-the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly/#respond Mon, 04 May 2020 22:47:37 +0000 https://youthministry.com/?p=76844 Before I launch into my confession-vomit, a few qualifiers…

I love my church… I’d attend even if I didn’t work there (I know not every church staff member can say that with a straight face).
I love and respect my pastor and my boss—my bullet-point confessions are not a veiled critique.…

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https://youthministry.com/confessions-of-a-youth-pastor-the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly/feed/ 0 If you're a youth worker, my struggles likely overlap with your own, so maybe what I'm about to cough-up will be cathartic for you...https://youthministry.com/wp-content/upload/ymprod/patrick-fore-b_SHPU5M3nk-unsplash-270x196.jpg270196
3 Creative Ways to Honor MLK Day https://youthministry.com/3-creative-ways-to-honor-mlk-day/ https://youthministry.com/3-creative-ways-to-honor-mlk-day/#respond Thu, 16 Jan 2020 21:00:03 +0000 https://youthministry.com/?p=76517 As we prepare to celebrate MLK Day, we’ll see plenty of “greatest hits” quotes from Martin Luther King, Jr.
So much of what he said about social justice and racial equality is still relevant today. But Dr. King said a lot of powerful stuff that will never make it onto a meme.…

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https://youthministry.com/3-creative-ways-to-honor-mlk-day/feed/ 0 As we prepare for MLK Day, celebrate the holiday by inviting Dr. King to be the “guest leader” of your ministry this week.https://youthministry.com/wp-content/upload/ymprod/brian-kraus-bxXmh31O89I-unsplash-e1579125574798-270x196.jpg270196
Do Small Things With Great Passion https://youthministry.com/do-small-things-with-great-passion/ https://youthministry.com/do-small-things-with-great-passion/#respond Tue, 24 Sep 2019 21:35:12 +0000 https://youthministry.com/?p=76259 “I…Am…Not…a…Loooooserrr!”
It’s one of my favorite lines from Disney’s underrated 2000 movie The Kid, starring a Bruce Willis so young he still has hair. In the film, Willis’ arrogant and successful Russ Duritz has a mystical encounter with his pudgy, awkward 8-year old self.  …

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https://youthministry.com/do-small-things-with-great-passion/feed/ 0 Don’t confuse small responsibilities for small contributions. Here are a few ways you can bring your A-game to all small things in your ministry.https://youthministry.com/wp-content/upload/ymprod/kelly-sikkema-JRVxgAkzIsM-unsplash-270x196.jpg270196
6 Back-to-School Conversation-Starters https://youthministry.com/6-back-to-school-conversation-starters/ https://youthministry.com/6-back-to-school-conversation-starters/#comments Wed, 14 Aug 2019 20:48:55 +0000 https://youthministry.com/?p=76073 As teenagers drag themselves out of summer and into their next school year, they have a lot on their mind. I want to access all of that “seismic activity of the soul,” so I avoid coming off like I’m interrogating them.…

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https://youthministry.com/6-back-to-school-conversation-starters/feed/ 1 There’s nothing wrong with: “How was your summer?” But let’s not be afraid to go deeper, using surprising questions to invite them into a more substantial conversation.https://youthministry.com/wp-content/upload/ymprod/Back-to-School-1200-x-625-270x196.jpg270196
Downshifting Your Summer Strategy https://youthministry.com/downshifting-your-summer-strategy/ https://youthministry.com/downshifting-your-summer-strategy/#respond Wed, 05 Jun 2019 20:59:08 +0000 https://youthministry.com/?p=62018 If you’re a volunteer youth worker who needs to take a break, this article might help you. If you’re a youth pastor with maxed-out volunteers, this article might give you perspective.
I am a longtime volunteer youth worker and full-time staffer at my church in a non-youth ministry role. …

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https://youthministry.com/downshifting-your-summer-strategy/feed/ 0 If you’re a volunteer youth worker who needs to take a break or a youth pastor with maxed-out volunteers, here are some summer strategies to try.https://youthministry.com/wp-content/upload/ymprod/Fixed-Social-8_663-270x196.jpg270196
Recruiting a Ninja Team https://youthministry.com/recruiting-a-ninja-team/ https://youthministry.com/recruiting-a-ninja-team/#respond Wed, 24 Apr 2019 12:00:51 +0000 https://youthministry.com/?p=61901 Each summer for the last three years, our youth ministry has served our city through a weeklong local mission trip called “I HEART LINCOLN” (or I❤LNK). Our teenagers pay a $100 fee and are placed on a team with two leaders—each team is assigned a pre-arranged service project organized by a local organization in our city.…

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https://youthministry.com/recruiting-a-ninja-team/feed/ 0 Massive projects have many behind the scenes... the Ninjas. Heres how you can ensemble your own ninja team in your youth ministry.https://youthministry.com/wp-content/upload/ymprod/12A7097-e1556057755198-270x196.jpg270196