Kurt Johnston, Author at YouthMinistry.com https://youthministry.com/author/kurtjohnston/ Daily Wisdom for Youth Workers. Tue, 21 May 2024 15:31:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 How To Strengthen Your Relationship With The Senior Pastor https://youthministry.com/how-to-strengthen-your-relationship-with-the-senior-pastor/ https://youthministry.com/how-to-strengthen-your-relationship-with-the-senior-pastor/#comments Mon, 16 Oct 2023 10:00:14 +0000 http://youthmindev.wpengine.com/?p=54795 When it comes to the topic of youth pastor/senior pastor relations, there simply is no “norm”.  And, I’m not even sure there is an “ideal” we should all strive to attain. Is it ideal to have a cordial, yet mostly non-existent relationship?…

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https://youthministry.com/how-to-strengthen-your-relationship-with-the-senior-pastor/feed/ 1 I'm not going to prescribe what an ideal relationship with your senior pastor should look like, but I’m comfortable sharing tips to help strengthen it!https://youthministry.com/wp-content/upload/ymprod/casualmeeting-270x196.jpg270196
The Hectic Lives of Teenagers: Beat ‘Em or Join ‘Em? https://youthministry.com/the-hectic-lives-of-teenagers-beat-em-or-join-em/ https://youthministry.com/the-hectic-lives-of-teenagers-beat-em-or-join-em/#comments Mon, 18 Sep 2023 10:00:46 +0000 http://youthmindev.wpengine.com/?p=54552 “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em!”
I’m not sure who first coined that infamous saying, but it is somehow simultaneously genius and defeatist. Pragmatically speaking, it makes sense. Why fight against the inevitable? But few things seem as depressing as giving up and giving in when we know there’s a better way!…

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https://youthministry.com/the-hectic-lives-of-teenagers-beat-em-or-join-em/feed/ 5 Enter the busy world of teenagers. A world of super-sized sports, hyper-academia, extracurricular activities, part-time jobs. Oh, yeah...and youth group.https://youthministry.com/wp-content/upload/ymprod/homeworkwithbreakfast-270x196.jpg270196
Three Mistakes Youth Workers Need To Make https://youthministry.com/three-mistakes-youth-workers-need-make/ https://youthministry.com/three-mistakes-youth-workers-need-make/#comments Mon, 18 Sep 2023 10:00:21 +0000 http://youthmindev.wpengine.com/?p=56985 Most people, and understandably so, spend a good portion of their time trying to avoid making mistakes. A mistake on the playing field might cost you the game. A mistake with your bank account can cost you some points on your credit score.…

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https://youthministry.com/three-mistakes-youth-workers-need-make/feed/ 1 Mistakes are a sign of life. Mistakes are an indication that risks are being taken. Let me suggest three mistakes I think every youth worker needs to make.https://youthministry.com/wp-content/upload/ymprod/128H-270x196.jpg270196
Spontaneous Summer Activities Are a Win for Your Youth Ministry https://youthministry.com/3-reasons-spontaneous-summer-activities-are-a-win-for-your-youth-ministry/ https://youthministry.com/3-reasons-spontaneous-summer-activities-are-a-win-for-your-youth-ministry/#comments Mon, 12 Jun 2023 10:00:42 +0000 http://youthmindev.wpengine.com/?p=53968 By now you are probably either neck-deep in summer activities or about to jump into the summer frenzy (just looking out our youth group’s summer calendar makes me tired!), so you probably aren’t looking to add any extra stuff to your plate.…

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https://youthministry.com/3-reasons-spontaneous-summer-activities-are-a-win-for-your-youth-ministry/feed/ 1 Consider these three reasons spontaneous summer activities are a win for your youth ministry.https://youthministry.com/wp-content/upload/ymprod/iStock_000019173217_Double-270x196.jpg270196
How an Old Wedding Tradition Will Energize Your New Year https://youthministry.com/energize-your-new-year/ https://youthministry.com/energize-your-new-year/#respond Mon, 26 Dec 2022 11:00:15 +0000 https://youthmindev.wpengine.com/?p=58121 An old wedding tradition has been mostly forgotten. Brides used to incorporate the following items into their wedding day: something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue. Believe it or not, this can be a fun way to help you plan the first few months of the new ministry year!…

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https://youthministry.com/energize-your-new-year/feed/ 0 https://youthministry.com/wp-content/upload/ymprod/GettyImages-179006144-e1481131121485-270x196.jpg270196
Following Up On Summertime Decisions https://youthministry.com/following-summertime-decisions/ https://youthministry.com/following-summertime-decisions/#respond Mon, 08 Aug 2022 10:00:34 +0000 http://youthmindev.wpengine.com/?p=56763 Summer is winding down.  The students in your youth ministry are sadly putting away their beach towels and dusting off their school backpacks; they are about to trade their long days on the couch watching Netflix with long days behind their desks.…

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https://youthministry.com/following-summertime-decisions/feed/ 0 https://youthministry.com/wp-content/upload/ymprod/rawpixel-com-274857-270x196.jpg270196
Tips on Spontaneous Leadership https://youthministry.com/spontaneous-leadership/ https://youthministry.com/spontaneous-leadership/#comments Mon, 25 Jul 2022 10:00:54 +0000 http://youthmindev.wpengine.com/?p=54130 An upset parent corners you in the fellowship hall. The Senior Pastor pins you down in a staff meeting and demands an immediate answer. A volunteer pulls you aside at an event and throws you a curveball. A church elder sends you an email that she says demands your immediate attention.…

The post Tips on Spontaneous Leadership appeared first on YouthMinistry.com.

https://youthministry.com/spontaneous-leadership/feed/ 1 Kurt Johnston shares his thoughts on spontaneous leadership and how you can be ready for the moments that require you to lead your ministry on the fly.https://youthministry.com/wp-content/upload/ymprod/Leadership-8-270x196.jpg270196
Leading From the Middle of the Pack https://youthministry.com/random-randomness-4-leading-from-the-middle-of-the-pack/ https://youthministry.com/random-randomness-4-leading-from-the-middle-of-the-pack/#respond Mon, 18 Apr 2022 10:00:39 +0000 http://youthmindev.wpengine.com/?p=52286 If your church has an org chart chances are, like in most churches, the role of youth worker probably falls somewhere in the middle of the pack. Sure, there are a few folks above you, and a few below but your role as youth worker is probably somewhere in the crowded middle…depending on the size of your church, of course.…

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https://youthministry.com/random-randomness-4-leading-from-the-middle-of-the-pack/feed/ 0 https://youthministry.com/wp-content/upload/ymprod/influence-sign-270x196.jpg270196
Make These Three Unexpected New Year’s Resolutions https://youthministry.com/make-three-unexpected-new-years-resolutions/ https://youthministry.com/make-three-unexpected-new-years-resolutions/#respond Mon, 27 Dec 2021 11:00:22 +0000 https://youthmindev.wpengine.com/?p=58164 I’m not a big New Year’s resolution type of guy. The truth is, I’ve never even tried to make most youth ministry resolutions. You name it, I haven’t made it! So while my ministry could probably benefit from my resolve to tackle certain tasks with more consistency and urgency, I’ll resist that temptation, as always.…

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https://youthministry.com/make-three-unexpected-new-years-resolutions/feed/ 0 https://youthministry.com/wp-content/upload/ymprod/Untitled-design-5-270x196.png270196
How do I know if I’m called to youth ministry? https://youthministry.com/how-do-i-know-if-im-called-to-youth-ministry/ https://youthministry.com/how-do-i-know-if-im-called-to-youth-ministry/#comments Wed, 18 Aug 2021 10:00:42 +0000 http://youthmindev.wpengine.com/?p=54702 Help Wanted! Or, how do I know if I’m called to youth ministry?
Calling is a strange concept, and men and women far wiser than I have tried to tackle to subject. And the methods we see in scripture used to call men and women to Kingdom action often make our efforts to figure it out even tougher!…

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https://youthministry.com/how-do-i-know-if-im-called-to-youth-ministry/feed/ 13 https://youthministry.com/wp-content/upload/ymprod/help-wanted-270x196.gif270196