Comments on: How to Combat the SEND NUDES Trend Daily Wisdom for Youth Workers. Tue, 27 Jun 2017 18:18:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Digital Guardians: Can Tech Solve the Problems It Creates? - Tue, 27 Jun 2017 18:18:38 +0000 […] generation has one main request: send nudes. Last week a youth worker friend called to ask my advice about handling the scandal in his church. […]

By: Holly Hrywnak Wed, 18 Jan 2017 19:51:59 +0000 Conversations are by far the greatest way to connect with your teens about sexuality, purity, etc. Often I’ve found we’ve been hesitant to discuss the topic of sexting or nudes in the context of youth meetings because we’re afraid parents might get upset we have discussed a topic they thought they should (I’m looking at you home school parents). We can’t tip toe around these topics and then wonder why our teens never ask us about sex. We’ve got to make it a common conversation so when something like a “Send Nudes” meme gets sent their way they come to us.
