Comments on: Help, I’m A Terrible Small Group Leader! Daily Wisdom for Youth Workers. Thu, 28 Jun 2018 16:25:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ben Hoffmaster Tue, 21 Oct 2014 14:19:32 +0000 Great great thought.

“Because it’s when we faithfully enter the rarely calm waters, despite our shortcomings, that the good stuff happens.”

I feel in my own regard I have never been a great youth pastor/leader in general. It has been something I have needed to grow into. At first I was so terrified, and sometimes still am, but even though I didn’t like crowds or new people I somehow ventured into it and said yes to my pastor when he asked me to help. It seemed like I was deficient in every way, but here recently I have really been able to see fruit of sowing my life, even when I didn’t recognize I was sowing it.

It seems as if the things that pain us the most at times always bring us to most reward. It is also amazing to see who God uses, I am not saying this as a pat on the back to myself but wow God does do miracles 🙂 At the end of the day if we are scratching our head in amazement wondering how in the world we accomplished what we have, then it is a testimony not only to us, but also we become a walking miracle of what God can do. This may not apply to everyone, but it sure applies to me.
