Comments on: Joshua Harris and the ‘Purity Problem’ With Teenagers Daily Wisdom for Youth Workers. Mon, 10 Aug 2020 18:50:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Olivia Mon, 10 Aug 2020 18:50:47 +0000 This is perhaps the best article I have read on purity. Thanks for sharing.

By: DeWayne Strange Mon, 12 Aug 2019 18:24:30 +0000 Thanks for this. Sadly, I wish i heard more about this before Harris recanted. Speaking as a teenager who grew up during the mid 90’s, I had this philosophy shoved down my throat repeatedly. Time being the ultimate litmus test, I’ve seen the long-term consequences of this failed-approach visited upon myself and many peers. Fear of sex, feelings of guilt after sex even within the sanctity of marriage, broken family relationships, failed marriages that we’re basically arranged by their parents, etc. Many of us teens were crying out against the legalism that “courtship” and “IKDG” brought down on us. Many, like myself, who entered into vocational youth ministry, have decried this philosophy for years, yet only now, after Harris is “safe” to denounce, do we see articles like this popping up. There were a few, here and there, that tried, but not like recently. Where were these convictions amongst the ministry media then? Over the last 20 years? Why, do we only see voices of conviction speak out when it’s safe? More, so many of these ministry approaches that are touted and promoted by publishing companies, conferences, ministry magazines, websites as the new, best thing, are eventually denounced when the inevitable fallout of human-centered approaches to ministry run their course. Remember the “seeker-sensitive” movement? The “Emergent Church”? The Pastor as CEO model? Why should we trust any “movement” or “method” anymore and why should we keep turning to the “Ministry Leader Community” for guidance on these things?

By: JR Mon, 12 Aug 2019 16:52:17 +0000 While the article makes good points, it tends to lay the blame mostly at teens and their leaders. Additionally, and more importantly, when will we question the “Christian” business sub-culture that promotes, for a profit, books concerts, music, tee shirts, theme park days, et al with little concern to the qualifications of those speaking or the truth and impact of their message. The result of such mass marketing is predictable – it has little resemblance to the “narrow road” Jesus described for his followers – shallow at best, and heading the wrong direction at worst.
