Comments on: 5 Keys to Healthy Youth Ministry Networks Daily Wisdom for Youth Workers. Thu, 17 Dec 2015 23:11:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Doug Clark Thu, 17 Dec 2015 23:11:56 +0000 You rock Kevin! Thanks for taking so much wisdom and putting into just a few words. Would love to have one of you in every community across the country. Can you please clone yourself?

By: Kevin Patterson Wed, 09 Dec 2015 16:16:54 +0000 In reply to Christian.

Thanks for your comment Christian! I certainly don’t advocate throwing theology out the window (theology and apologetics are my favorite subjects!). I just believe, like you pointed out, that within the context of the network that we should ‘major on the majors’. I love respectfully conversing with other ministers in our network over our theological differences. Our network for example, has Southern Baptist churches in it from different theological stances as far as predestination and Calvinism are concerned. I am from a church and personal belief in free will and I’m sure there are churches in our network that are Calvinist, and thats ok and cool! It’s awesome that we can still work together for the Gospel and differ on something like that. That in mind, we agreed that doing a DNow or an event that would take students deeper and into those waters was not in the networks best interest and would best be left for the individual church to do or a group of theologically similar churches in our network to do together. We highly encourage churches in our group that believe similarly to get together and do events like that. So I am certainly pro-theology, we should never throw out what makes us ‘us’ for lack of a better term but in the context of our network, we avoid something that might be a divisive point as long as the Gospel isn’t compromised.

By: Kevin Patterson Wed, 09 Dec 2015 16:06:47 +0000 In reply to Rev.Jeff Daniel.

Thanks for your input Jeff! I pray you can get a group of like minded ministries together. The impact that we can all have together is so much greater than individually! One thing that I love about our network is we have members from FCA in our group. They have been a tremendous asset in our campus impact! Once you guys get up and running contact NNYM. You can get your network listed on their site and make it easier for other ministers from your area to connect! Blessings!

By: Christian Wed, 09 Dec 2015 14:45:46 +0000 I have seen the benefit of being in a network as well. I don’t think the article was advocating throwing theology out the window. Perhaps the focus was more on “majoring on the majors.” But, at the same time, I think there can be appropriate ways to discuss how some of our beliefs may affect the details of how or why we would do certain events and ministries. And there might be appropriate ways to allow iron to sharpen iron concerning our beliefs. I think that discussing our beliefs sometimes may be a good way to help foster unity as Christians as we are able to discuss together what we believe and why from a biblical perspective (without contention and in a respectful way).

By: Rev.Jeff Daniel Tue, 08 Dec 2015 03:59:14 +0000 The article is very true,as a Youth ministry we have been.working in.schools.But we have had no serious impact with what we do.That is the reason ,we have to belong to a network of like minded ministries.We hope that the network will help us to fullfil our God given mandate.That of replicating desciples for Christ.
