Comments on: Infinity War’s Gospel Symbolism Daily Wisdom for Youth Workers. Wed, 08 May 2019 14:06:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Josh Wed, 08 May 2019 14:06:29 +0000 In reply to Jocelyn.

Excellent take Jocelyn. I’ve also compared the scene where Strange talks about looking at all those outcomes to find that only one comes out victorious. Students ask all the time, “why did God put the tree in the garden in the first place? Couldn’t that have avoided the fall?” Or they ask, “Isn’t God all knowing? Why didn’t He prevent Satan from talking to Adam and Eve?” I use the example from the movie with Dr. Strange. I compare it like this. God can see anything and everything at the same time. Past and future. God created us to bring glory to His name. Not to stay “sin-free.” I believe that God knows that this path that leads to Jesus on the cross is the path that brings the most glory to His name. Thus, He set the scene exactly how He knew it needed to be set. “We’re in the ENDGAME now.”

By: Karen Brewer Sun, 05 May 2019 23:34:26 +0000 Avengers: End Game had several references that brought up Biblical impressions that I picked up on, but the biggest was the final war. The good guys won, and the bad guys were obliterated. Both sides were searching for their kind of “eternal world” and were fighting to keep theirs. With God’s help, we won’t be here for the physical war, but we need to be prepared to fight it! We need to fight every day in small ways to help others, offer them hope, and love them.

Too bad we can’t time travel yet, so we could go back and fix our mistakes!!

By: Mike Sat, 04 May 2019 09:14:59 +0000 In reply to Tony Myles.

What? You made very little sense. The whole fact that these kinds of movies continue to discredit Christ proves the world’s hate for him. I did not see this movie the way you did at all. My son was also quick to point out the Santanic star in a scene where Dr. Strange is using his shield or whatever it is..

By: bo Sat, 06 Apr 2019 06:26:54 +0000 In reply to Jocelyn.

The backwards upside down kingdom is what many elites believe in. They insist on the unnatural. Ritual abuse to force obedience, and break their spirit and program(watch Cathy Obrien or Brice Taylor) often their children are given to others to raise(many world leaders now have famous parents that didn’t raise them). People however miss the obvious occult references that jesus hints at. Combining heaven and earth is the opposite of what a divide and conquer globalist like Soros does.

By: Jocelyn Sun, 03 Mar 2019 21:11:57 +0000 I appreciate this a lot! As a youth leader, I enjoy finding opportunities to discuss biblical analogies in our music and movie culture. I’m hoping to discuss this analogy in my youth group, in the context of Ash Wednesday, and after reading your article and these comments, a few others came to my mind:

1.) This conversation:
“Dr. Stephen Strange : I went forward in time… to view alternate futures. To see all the possible outcomes of the coming conflict.
Peter Quill : How many did you see?
Dr. Stephen Strange : Fourteen million six hundred and five.
Tony Stark : How many did we win?
Dr. Stephen Strange : …One.”
This situation in which there was only one way to truly save the world, though it would take much sacrifice and would seem to work backwards or be counterproductive at times, reminds me of God’s plan of salvation! Jesus came and taught about a backwards/upside down kingdom in which the last will be first, those who give up their lives will find it, and requires a savior who would be killed and raise back to life in order to truly defeat evil.

2.) Ash Wednesday uses ashes to reflect on repentance, Jesus’ mission, and walking through Jesus’ journey toward His death; I imagine His followers thinking things like “Really? After all He did, this is how it ends? This can’t be the plan.” It makes me think about the end of “Infinity War”, when many main characters dissolve into ashes, and you’re left thinking “But, Dr. Strange said they would win! This can’t be the end of the movie! This is NOT happening.” (At least, that’s what I was thinking.) But we know that there’s another movie coming, the “End Game.” And we have hope that in this finale there’ll be some resolution and closure to this saga. And even MORE so, we know that Jesus rose from the dead, is alive NOW, and has promised to return to truly restore His creation. The story is far from over.

By: Vanessa Tue, 29 May 2018 16:30:36 +0000 In reply to Francis.

There is a part where the protective shield is breaking and instead of running away from these horrible creatures coming through they turn and charge. Risk, love , laying down your life for the greater cause . All come to mind

By: Rachel Yoder Tue, 15 May 2018 22:22:02 +0000 In reply to Martie Gillespie.

Hi Martie! We do have others. You can find them in the culture section of this site, or here are links to a few of our more recent ones:

By: Kris Mon, 07 May 2018 18:27:40 +0000 In the first minutes few minutes of the movie, the creation of the universe is directly correlated to a “big bang “ which created the six infinity stones. Creationism versus evolution could be discussed as well.

By: Martie Gillespie Mon, 07 May 2018 18:12:47 +0000 I absolutely loved this study. Have you done any other youth lessons that use movies as a reference?

By: Brent Mon, 07 May 2018 14:42:12 +0000 I appreciate your thoughts. My family and I will often try and pick out these kind of things at movies. The fact that almost EVERY movie is riddled with the same questions shows us the state of the world and the fact that there is an underlying hunger in the heart of every human to have a transcendent peace and one who will be on their side when they ally with Him.
