Comments on: CNN Asks ‘Who Can Heal America? An Old Hymn Inspires A Daring Response of Faith Daily Wisdom for Youth Workers. Mon, 10 Oct 2016 19:44:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Valorie Black-White Tue, 19 Jul 2016 17:38:03 +0000 In reply to Rick Lawrence.

Anytime, life should not be so difficult, making a difference is what it is all about.

Welcome to share if you would like to.

By: Rick Lawrence Tue, 19 Jul 2016 17:13:49 +0000 In reply to V.Black-White.

Well-said… Thanks so much for taking the time to invest your heart in this response…

By: V.Black-White Tue, 19 Jul 2016 16:11:48 +0000 We live in a world of intimidation, fear/hate and corruptness. God has to be looking down on us wiping a tears from his eyes. Growing up and middle age now I realize that your parent is your higher being as a child. You’re not able to comprehend anything about God yet, so you look to your parent/higher being for guidance/direction. I once saw a marquee that read “A parent’s life is a child’s handbook”. So if we as parents or a higher being to a child show/teach them how to cheat, lie, steal, hate or act/speak disrespectfully, or be selfish… chances are that is what your child will do. Because after all this is what they learned from you. It’s not until later in life that you understand who God is.

We have gotten away from having the fear of God in our lives. Working together as a team of caring, honest, compassionate people to get things done. I’m going to use honey bees as an example: Hives only have 1 queen, and sometime that queen dies. When this happens the bees start feeding cells royal honey to produce a new queen, but when this fails you sometimes need to try something different. You have to place panels from another hive into the one that has lost their queen. The bees become very agitated (as they know this is not their hive) but after about a day they simply reset themselves and go to work. They understand they have a job to do together, and each person has a roll in this hive for it to be successful, if they don’t work together they will die. They need to make honey to survive.

Sure there is evil in this world, Satan was a fallen angel, he’s gathering his troops and doing a good job of putting this world in a state of unsettledness. So many people in this world feeling like lost souls and alone, looking for acceptance from someone anyone. I think this is why these groups are so successful. They play on people’s emotions, they will give them a purpose, that they are important and someone cares, I feel this is what they thrive on to get people to join their cause. We as a nation are so busy trying to help everyone else, we are letting our own suffer.

So wake up America, regardless of color we are all human beings and we need to start making HONEY!
