Comments on: How to Focus on Your Calling During Conflict Daily Wisdom for Youth Workers. Mon, 03 Apr 2017 19:09:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tim and Tasha Levert Tue, 17 Jan 2017 04:46:30 +0000 In reply to Rachel M.

Hey Rachel. Long term commitment to one place is a key ingredient to healthy youth ministry. And it shows you’re a rockstar 🙂

Much respect for your faithfulness. Thanks for the kind words.

Tim and Tasha

By: Jo Gilpin Mon, 16 Jan 2017 16:37:04 +0000 Thank you for this article. I have been in Youth Ministry/Christian Education for over 25 years (I started out as an aid at the age of 15, and found my passion for Christ in Education). My husband and I are at a church right now, that they have 20 year old running the youth ministry program, and he is more of a teenager, then a leader. We had a concern 2 years ago when they hired him at the age of 18, and we prayed and I have offered help with anything he might need (no one ever accepted our offer to help). So, two months ago we took our concerns to our assigned deacon, and addressed our concern for the youth ministry in the church. For these past two months, after asking about our concerns, we have been treated very differently in the church by the deacons. I decided last Sunday to talk to the Pastor, again, about our concern of the youth ministry that this young man was hired to do, and the result was that I forwarded the copy of the Youth Director job description to the pastor, and I clearly addressed our concerns. Your article above has made me think and reread what I wrote to the pastor about the paid position of the youth director, and I did write the e-mail with very concise, clear, no questions needed, wording. With the e-mail being so straightforward, the deacons called a special meeting with my husband and I. We both knew that standing up for youth ministry, and the teaching of the Word of God, was not going to be easy, and we knew that being honest, and straightforward would have consequences. But, through this meeting last night, the comments a deacon made toward my character, questioning my dedication to the church, (during the time that I was actually dealing with the death of my sister, and helping with another churches youth programs), it turned out that the deacon had been holding a grudge towards us, because we weren’t there for their VBS for the last year! I was baffled at the heartless comments from this deacon. However, God brings us to situations in different ways. Conflict can help us grow in our journey with Christ. Had we not pushed the concern we had, we would not have found the true feelings of the Deacons, and we would have never known the true desire of the leaders of the church, and that no one questions the decisions made. Conflict, while staying faithful, is not ever easy, but God will always be with us, when we keep our focus on him! Thank you again for this article!

By: Rachel M Mon, 16 Jan 2017 03:06:24 +0000 Thank you for this! I’m currently serving in my 16th year at same church and going through some craziness right now. God has used this to bless me today….thanks again!
