Comments on: The “Ask Me Anything” Box Daily Wisdom for Youth Workers. Wed, 07 May 2014 14:23:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Erik with a "K" Wed, 07 May 2014 14:23:05 +0000 In reply to Jeff Smith.

Great additions to this post. Love that you used them to help you with message ideas. I think that is awesome! It truly is amazing what students will ask. Of course some of them will be goofy questions, but some of them are really deep and insightful. The idea of doing it at camp as a speaker really intrigues me. I have done it when I have spoken on purity with guys only and girls only, but not for a general message time. I will be stealing that idea! Thanx!

By: Jeff Smith Wed, 07 May 2014 00:32:53 +0000 I’ve done this. Good stuff. I printed some postcard size notes with “PJ, I’ve got questions”. There was a box to check if they needed a personal response. Every couple of months (not a lot of questions – my students already know almost everything) I would make the questions the message. It was sometimes more like “random night” and other times they almost flowed together. Great experience. It also let me talk about topics I might not have ever spoke about – where did the dinosaurs go, will we know each other in Heaven, who did Adam & Eve’s kids marry, etc)

A youth camp speaker did this one year. He handed out index cards and let students write down any question. Then, during the dreaded morning session, he answered questions. He grouped the similar questions together. He would start he session by answering the really goofy questions as a sort of ice-breaker (why do boys stink, why do girls go to the bathroom in groups, etc). Then he’d move on to tougher questions about peer pressure, abuse, heaven/hell, dating, etc. Best morning session I’ve ever been part of.

Thanks for the article. Everyone should do this.
