Comments on: Dear Part-time Youth Worker Daily Wisdom for Youth Workers. Sun, 29 Mar 2015 20:09:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joyce Gitura Sun, 29 Mar 2015 20:09:33 +0000 Hallo Theresa

God bless you for good work and for the word very inspiring.

I also serve with youth at my local church would like some Christian Ministry Training how can you help.

Do you also have some reading materials for youth!!

God bless

By: Theresa Mazza Fri, 06 Mar 2015 20:35:28 +0000 In reply to Hannah Gregory.

Hannah. So glad this came at just the right time. You are loved and appreciated! Feel God squeezing you today.

By: Hannah Gregory Fri, 06 Mar 2015 14:30:23 +0000 I needed to read this today more than I can tell you. Thank you for your words!

By: Theresa Mazza Wed, 04 Mar 2015 22:37:17 +0000 Thank you Jonica! You are Exactl who God placed on my heart as I wrote this blog post! Praying with you and for you as you serve God and the church faithfully!

By: Jonica Wed, 04 Mar 2015 19:35:46 +0000 Thank you THANK YOU for this! I recently had my hours cut at our church & work as the Family Pastor Assistant plus over see youth ministry at 2 campuses…however just because my hours were cut doesn’t mean the workload was..thank you for speaking to my heart as I know the enemy likes to place doubt & bitterness in place of truth! That was a blessing – I printed it out to put in my “encouragement” folder for those days it is hard! God bless you richly!

By: Theresa Mazza Sat, 28 Feb 2015 00:08:47 +0000 In reply to Becky.

Thanks Becky! Yes, Amen!

By: Becky Fri, 27 Feb 2015 03:17:11 +0000 Yeah, sometimes i need not people`s appreciation, but thank God for the few who can do it. Work for the Lord before those dismal days come, amen.
