Comments on: Is an M.Div needed for Youth Ministry? Daily Wisdom for Youth Workers. Thu, 27 Nov 2014 10:05:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dustin Dick Thu, 27 Nov 2014 10:05:56 +0000 I had struggled with this it seems more churches want this commitment from their youth leaders. However I already have an undergrad degree in Youth Ministry and & Bible so, for me, I did not see the need to continue on and obtain a MDiv. I would love to serve in a vocational position as a youth pastor someday and I would really enjoy developing a program that served the entire family, giving way to a new Family Ministries beyond youth/student ministry. I am about to graduate with my Masters in Human Services specializing in Family Life Education. It has been an enlightening 2 years and I know it can benefit the church well beyond the walls of youth ministry. My only struggle is to come along side a church and help them see the benefit. It seems many of them are set in having a candidate that can mark off a list of requirements, one of which is the MDiv. it’s all ebb and flow and how we can come together and benefit one another. I’m all for pastors in the church having MDivs and beyond, although it is healthy for the body of the church to have the staff to have a diverse education. This could include not everyone having a MDiv or similar. If we are to truly reach people where they are now we need to reevaluate how we will get there.

By: Stephen Yates Wed, 26 Nov 2014 21:10:44 +0000 In reply to JC.

Sorry it sounds that way. Most of the churches I have been a part of have been in the 100-300 range, which isn’t mega by ANY standards. While I totally acknowledge that a 75 person church cannot afford a full-time second staffer, that’s a problem across the board, not in youth ministry only. I guess I’m just saying folding the youth role into that second paid staffer role is a good thing.

By: Chris Yi Tue, 25 Nov 2014 02:18:20 +0000 In reply to JC.

Thats just your assumption about a brother in ministry. Why not email him and have a conversation?

By: JC Tue, 25 Nov 2014 00:58:14 +0000 It sounds like you never served in small k-church setting.

By: Alex Beaverson Sun, 23 Nov 2014 05:39:13 +0000 I couldn’t agree more. Steve, you are the brightest in the business!

By: Alex Beaverson Sun, 23 Nov 2014 05:39:13 +0000 I couldn’t agree more. Steve, you are the brightest in the business!

By: Anthony Gatke Sat, 22 Nov 2014 14:37:46 +0000 So much emphasis has been placed on education an not Anointing it is the anointing that destroys the yoke! We must be careful to not refuse the cornerstone that God is trying to allow merely based on whether or not A person is educated or not! This is the reason why the ” enquote educated churches or Mega churches don’t fellow with the smaller less educated churches. Do we want Zgod or the idioms of men? I have been a youth Pastor for 20 years and my education has been that of Foster care abuse drug addiction and Incarceration yet the message is clear grace through faith and not of works lest any man should boast. This past Sundsy I went into the county Jail and preached to a group of needy inmates is this what collegiate education prepares you for? Maybe maybe not but the anointing will education is just the ability to pronunciate and do things in an excellent way but the anointing is designed to do things Gods way we need education for this world but we need the Holy Spirit for Gods economy

By: Bob Allen Sat, 22 Nov 2014 13:43:42 +0000 You know, I, myself, am negotiating with God about whether or not I should be pursuing seminary. I am an ordained SBC pastor at a small rural church and the problem I have with seminary, just like I have it with many other forms of higher education, is that it doesn’t NECESSARILY train you for what you will encounter as a pastor. Could it help to have a broader understanding of proper exegesis of texts and give you and opportunity to confer with other individuals who are pursuing the call God placed on their lives? Absolutely, but so could putting yourself at the feet of a biblical scholar in your area who is willing to play Paul to your Timothy.

I’ve been a pastor for a little over a year and I’m certain that no amount of seminary can replace the leading and teaching of the Holy Spirit. I’ve had to lead and counsel drug users, teens dealing with abuse and self-harm, a divided and bitter church, as well as perform a funeral for a 28 y.o. who had just turned his life around from a destructive path in the past 8 months. There are no text books or seminars or classes to teach you how to do those things. When it comes down to it, studying scripture and relying on God to supply your need is what matters.

I think sometimes, we’re a little bit “Martha” when it comes to seminary. We feel this need to get out and do to prepare and get things just right before we can sit down and start doing what God wants us to do, when in reality, He just wants us to come sit at His feet and listen to Him.

God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called (see: 12 apostles)

By: Bob Allen Sat, 22 Nov 2014 13:43:42 +0000 You know, I, myself, am negotiating with God about whether or not I should be pursuing seminary. I am an ordained SBC pastor at a small rural church and the problem I have with seminary, just like I have it with many other forms of higher education, is that it doesn’t NECESSARILY train you for what you will encounter as a pastor. Could it help to have a broader understanding of proper exegesis of texts and give you and opportunity to confer with other individuals who are pursuing the call God placed on their lives? Absolutely, but so could putting yourself at the feet of a biblical scholar in your area who is willing to play Paul to your Timothy.

I’ve been a pastor for a little over a year and I’m certain that no amount of seminary can replace the leading and teaching of the Holy Spirit. I’ve had to lead and counsel drug users, teens dealing with abuse and self-harm, a divided and bitter church, as well as perform a funeral for a 28 y.o. who had just turned his life around from a destructive path in the past 8 months. There are no text books or seminars or classes to teach you how to do those things. When it comes down to it, studying scripture and relying on God to supply your need is what matters.

I think sometimes, we’re a little bit “Martha” when it comes to seminary. We feel this need to get out and do to prepare and get things just right before we can sit down and start doing what God wants us to do, when in reality, He just wants us to come sit at His feet and listen to Him.

God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called (see: 12 apostles)

By: WsK Sat, 22 Nov 2014 02:06:15 +0000 Many godly pastors do not have M.Div degrees.

This is not a biblical requirement. What’s most crucial is having internal ‘calls’ to ministry being confirmed externally. Too many pastors believe they’re called when they’re really not.
