Comments on: What’s Up With Modesty? Daily Wisdom for Youth Workers. Fri, 30 Aug 2019 03:15:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Carley Fri, 30 Aug 2019 03:15:16 +0000 Wow! This really touched me god has been working in my life and i have been around church my whole life but i haven’t been apostolic my whole life. I am wanting to know how i could share my story on here? Thank you

By: Carley Fri, 30 Aug 2019 03:00:29 +0000 i am a pre-teenand this really helped me thank you for sharing.

By: George Mon, 24 Feb 2014 19:17:11 +0000 This is a great article. Being a 21 year old male, and having seen several styles from high school or college, modesty has gone into limited supply. Teens and young adults don’t realize you can look attractive, yet modest at the same time. Wear clothes at fit properly, and match your body style, and something more business casual. But there are reasonable times to show more skin or wear lighter clothing, such as the summer where the heat can be almost unbearable.

By: Greg Mon, 24 Feb 2014 18:59:37 +0000 I think you are right when you mention our culture is sucking young people in. In our church, I notice more and more girls wearing skin tight leggings and yoga pants. I notice more and more guys going shirtless on instagram and facebook, especially after a work out. I started looking around in other places and I noticed that the teens in our youth group were simply mirroring what they see on influential people they listen to and watch in films. Take a look at all the pop stars and top trending people on instagram, twitter and facebook. They dress like our youth group, or is it the other way around? The culture is saying how to dress and how “not to dress” (show skin). I think we can take culture and tweak it to be modest and we should. I think leggings can be worn but with a shirt that covers the butt, which thankfully, that style is in right now!! I think guys can wear tank tops at the gym or just stop posting their workout “gainz.” Male and female must be mindful to point their brother and sister’s to purity and Christlike wholeness. Youth leaders and parents should partner up and discuss what modesty looks like.

By: Stacia Sun, 23 Feb 2014 20:04:38 +0000 Good article, Leneita. Las year I took Emma to an event (the name is eluding me now). Part of the presentation was about modesty… for the moms and the girls. They gave us 3 tests to see if we are “baring too much”: First: put your right thumb on the bottom of your neck and lay your hand flat on your chest. If there is ches space showing, then it’s probably too low cut. Next: Bend over. If your lower back or panties show, then your pants are probably too lowa also. Last: raise your hands up above your head… you guessed it- if your belly is hanging out then your shirt is probably too short. Also, they taught us the greatest tip about wearing tank tops… they told us to shop in the boys/mens section for them because they are cut higher in the front… so we can still wear them without our boobs hanging out. Emma, being only 9 at the time, LOVED the tips because they were practical for her. We have always addressed modesty in our home, especially because we have a very tall, long legged, daughter and almost everything she tries to wear is too short. I agree that it is a heart issue. I also think that it is an exposure issue… what are our kids watching? Who are they trying to emulate? How are we, as moms, modeling modesty to them? The key, in my opinion, is to help our girls WANT to be modest as a way to glorify God with their bodies. So far my girls have not given me a fuss about not wearing bikinis, short shorts, short skirts, etc…. I am praying that I can still say the same in a few years.

By: Leneita Fix Sat, 22 Feb 2014 12:23:16 +0000 In reply to Ali.

Ali- LOVE this! I love the way you point out that if boys are not paying attention to where their heart is (and as a result their eyes) it doesn’t matter if we “cover” ourselves. Just had a conversation with a boy about the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue about this very topic. Both the styles and the objectification is in our faces all the time- it’s in magazines and the “red carpet.” The problem is that the moment we brought sin into the world the first thing we realized was that we are naked- and it all started there. When we know Christ it’s our responsibility to get back to the place of seeing each other as God’s creation and in this world it’s a constant challenge.

By: Leneita Fix Sat, 22 Feb 2014 12:15:11 +0000 In reply to Angie Roberson.

Thanks Angie! Thanks so much for paying attention to the conversation!

By: Ali Fri, 21 Feb 2014 00:42:01 +0000 There’s also a very high level of responsibility with the lookers. Let’s say we *could* make a list of what not to wear, and we got all the Christian girls to follow it. That doesn’t eliminate the fact that Christian guys are going to see other girls wearing immodest things. If we don’t teach people to see those of the opposite gender as more than objects, and to have self-control so they don’t give the person a second look, they WILL lust and it doesn’t matter how much we as Christians cover ourselves up.

And realistically, until Christian guys stop seeing girls as objects, they’re not going to be dating the now-covered-up Christian girls. They’re going to be interested in the people who are dressing the way that draws their attention.

By: Angie Roberson Thu, 20 Feb 2014 17:24:07 +0000 I’ve been watching a conversation among some of the girls in Youth over the last week discussing this very same thing. Are yoga pants modest/immodest, etc. I love that you included that it isn’t just the girls who are being immodest. This is such a relevant message for our youth out there. We ALL have a role in this:) Great post; thank you!

By: Leneita Fix Thu, 20 Feb 2014 02:45:40 +0000 In reply to Sandra Bartlett.

Thanks Sandra! Having 3 girls and a boy-I can tell you that my son can “strut” and show himself off just as much as the girls. It just seems to be more socially acceptable.
