Comments on: [Elephants In The Youth Room] The "Other" Youth Group Daily Wisdom for Youth Workers. Thu, 28 Jun 2018 15:44:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: dannyb Thu, 30 Jan 2014 17:07:49 +0000 we partner with the local YoungLife ministry. We use their club meetings as our outreach to the community and they use our small groups for their campaigners bible study. we are in the same area/community and schools, we figured it works best when we work together. it’s really quite wonderful 🙂

By: Leneita Fix Wed, 29 Jan 2014 02:53:49 +0000 In reply to Ken Foster.

I think this is so true that we need to take the “co-op” approach. I think you also bring a valid point that sometimes we try to be “relational” but every student isn’t going to open up to every one of us. However, I would also say- as an encouragement that I don’t think age has anything to do with it 🙂 Too often we think the students relate because someone is “closer” to their age. I think perhaps this particular student may need someone else- but that could be for a myriad of reasons. I am a firm believer that each of us relates to different students- but maybe not all. You know this- just an encouragement.

By: Ken Foster Tue, 28 Jan 2014 21:45:50 +0000 Leneita,

I appreciate this article, as it affirms something I’ve been thinking and praying about for a while- a more coop approach to youth ministry in our area. As you say, different ministries may have different aspects wired based on the resources available to the program, the leaders strengths, and their personal style. I’m older than most youth leaders, and have excelled (according to feedback from parents and our elder board) in the teaching parts of the ministry, but after 3 years at it I’ve failed to create any real personal bonds with any of the kids. I have their respect and I get good attendance, but they don’t see me as a person that they can talk to about their struggles, spirtual or otherwise. Case in point, I asked a younger man (less than half my age; my youngest child has 5 years on him) to cover for me while I was out. After only teaching for the 3rd time, I walked in to find him councelling a student about problems between them and their parents. This same kid acts like a cornered animal any time I’ve tried to engage in conversation, even though they have been with me ~5 hours a week for the last 3 years! I think a personal, approachable type of relationship with youth leaders is something kids desperately need, but not something they will trust just anybody with. I probably look and think too much like their parents do. But perhaps in a larger environment with more leaders bringing different gifts to the table, we could have all the bases covered, and then get back to disciple making instead of trying to become something we’re not.
