Comments on: The Damage Of Opinions Daily Wisdom for Youth Workers. Thu, 23 Oct 2014 21:35:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Christianprincess Thu, 23 Oct 2014 21:35:00 +0000 I agree with the comment above and the article in its entirety. I have had to correct false information given to students by adults and other children on several occasions this past year. The topics of false information can range from information about other ethnic groups to Ebola to aliens (don’t ask, I teach middle school students and for some reason this is a fascination with them) I have been asked my opinion on many of these topics as well. I try to take the approach that if it is my opinion, I state it as such. If the information I am sharing is from scripture or has been answered in academic/scientific study, I let them know that as well. Youth ministry gives us a great opportunity to not just influence our students, but see the things that are on their hearts and minds. It is important that we take that opportunity seriously and prayerfully. It is a sacred part of ministry that should be treated as such.

Thank you for loving students, families, and communities

By: Christianprincess Thu, 23 Oct 2014 21:35:00 +0000 I agree with the comment above and the article in its entirety. I have had to correct false information given to students by adults and other children on several occasions this past year. The topics of false information can range from information about other ethnic groups to Ebola to aliens (don’t ask, I teach middle school students and for some reason this is a fascination with them) I have been asked my opinion on many of these topics as well. I try to take the approach that if it is my opinion, I state it as such. If the information I am sharing is from scripture or has been answered in academic/scientific study, I let them know that as well. Youth ministry gives us a great opportunity to not just influence our students, but see the things that are on their hearts and minds. It is important that we take that opportunity seriously and prayerfully. It is a sacred part of ministry that should be treated as such.

Thank you for loving students, families, and communities

By: Leneita Fix Thu, 23 Oct 2014 14:18:26 +0000 In reply to Martin Dent.


This is such a great example of HOW to bring opinions forward. I think when students ask for our opinions then it is warranted. However, there are times when we share and no one was asking- this is when it’s time to hold it in at youth group. These are great observations. Thanks!

By: Leneita Fix Thu, 23 Oct 2014 14:18:26 +0000 In reply to Martin Dent.


This is such a great example of HOW to bring opinions forward. I think when students ask for our opinions then it is warranted. However, there are times when we share and no one was asking- this is when it’s time to hold it in at youth group. These are great observations. Thanks!

By: Martin Dent Wed, 22 Oct 2014 21:19:25 +0000 Twice a year instead of a usual message it was question and answer time. Students would write their questions down and I would answer them. Some were soft questions where I made sure it was my opinion only. ‘Can girls ask out guys?’ It was opportunity to share what the bible teaches about marriage, but in the end I would say ‘The Bible is silent on a specific answer to your question but in my OPINION (I would always stress that) guys should do the asking.’ I would often say ‘The Bible is authoritative but not exhaustive’ meaning the Bible doesn’t have an answer to every specific question we had. Homosexuality was always the number 1 question asked, so I knew I had to have my stuff together about that. Others caught me off guard ‘Is Obama the anti-Christ?’ ( I said a flat no and we would talk about end times stuff later in the year.) I found that students wanted to hear their leaders opinions on stuff. I always stressed to my leaders that if you are sharing an opinion make sure you qualify it before, after, and during the conversation.

By: Martin Dent Wed, 22 Oct 2014 21:19:25 +0000 Twice a year instead of a usual message it was question and answer time. Students would write their questions down and I would answer them. Some were soft questions where I made sure it was my opinion only. ‘Can girls ask out guys?’ It was opportunity to share what the bible teaches about marriage, but in the end I would say ‘The Bible is silent on a specific answer to your question but in my OPINION (I would always stress that) guys should do the asking.’ I would often say ‘The Bible is authoritative but not exhaustive’ meaning the Bible doesn’t have an answer to every specific question we had. Homosexuality was always the number 1 question asked, so I knew I had to have my stuff together about that. Others caught me off guard ‘Is Obama the anti-Christ?’ ( I said a flat no and we would talk about end times stuff later in the year.) I found that students wanted to hear their leaders opinions on stuff. I always stressed to my leaders that if you are sharing an opinion make sure you qualify it before, after, and during the conversation.
