Comments on: The Truth About Women In Youth Ministry Daily Wisdom for Youth Workers. Wed, 07 Jul 2021 09:08:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: LLANET RAMOS SANCHEZ Wed, 07 Jul 2021 09:08:31 +0000 I’m passionate about helping the children grow in Jesus Christ’s teaching. One day I was seeing a youth pastor preaching to children, I enjoyed seeing them learning. Like he was a teacher in a classroom. Why is it difficult for a woman to preach and teach in the church? We already have the concept of teaching our children from birth and as teachers in school. Why not in church? I really think is needed more, because we already have the skills to manage children. I strongly believe we can help grow our youth to a better understanding of God’s path. I’m in a university studying on a path to becoming a youth pastor. Yes, I know I will have people not liking my calling but I stand firm in teaching children is what I do best. And I will give my Lord my best.

By: Sheri Thu, 05 Oct 2017 13:08:08 +0000 In reply to Bethany.

I have found supportive people in each church and also non-supportive people. I have worked in churches of all settings iver the last 25 years. The worst was when a pastor would only invite male volunteers to the admin meetings and say the women weren’t needed for decision making:0. Little did he know that his team of 10 volunteers was being led by 2 if the women and we made all the decisions while consulting the entire team. I don’t think people mean to be hurtful, I think they just grew up seeing or hearing that women should not be in ministry. It is our job to lovingly portray that God can call whomever He wants to do His work! I’m just thankful that my husband is extremely supportive and an active parent as well.

By: Becky Gilbert Thu, 05 Oct 2017 12:53:31 +0000 Thank you Leneita!! I have been in youth ministry for 22 years and as I was reading your post I felt like you were reading my mind! When I had my first child, I had the chance to stay home for a while and like you, I hated it. My calling was to youth and youth ministry and i had to go back. It has been challenging at times to balance ministry and family, but we do the best we can! I also appreciate your words about women following their calling are not ignoring Jesus or living a sinful lifestyle, the church I currently serve is in a town where several other churches believe that women should not lead at all and have made it very clear that their youth should not have anything to do with our youth. It’s very discouraging and sad. However, we have a great team of youth volunteers and a growing ministry- so God is Good even when others are not!

By: Leneita Fix Tue, 09 Sep 2014 13:55:57 +0000 In reply to Bethany.

Bethany- I have often found it ironic that the voices in ministry who scream the loudest for a family centric model, are traveling across the country away from home often. I think we fail to see that not being present- is not being present regardless of gender. YOU ARE NOT CRAZY!!!

By: Leneita Fix Tue, 09 Sep 2014 13:54:01 +0000 In reply to Bridget.

Bridget! Such a great point about role models. We always talk about boys needed Godly men in their lives, however, it is equally important for youth to see women who love the Lord in different ways.

By: Leneita Fix Tue, 09 Sep 2014 13:52:41 +0000 In reply to Jeremy Beckham.

Jeremy, my experiences have been in both “small town” and in larger areas as well. I think honestly, it depends on the leader you land with. Honestly, I have found there are three types of men who talk about women in leadership. 1. Those who see the calling and qualifications and not the gender. 2. Those who genuinely believe they have “no bias” until you hit a ceiling they have for you that isn’t for men. 3. Those who are honest with the reality they aren’t comfortable with women leading. The largest number I encounter honestly is #2. In conversation they genuinely believe the bias isn’t there- until you begin to dig and there are double standards.

By: Leneita Fix Tue, 09 Sep 2014 13:49:18 +0000 In reply to Jason Clark.

Jason- I think many women get discouraged and leave as well. I think often times when the positions don’t come, then they tend to just give up and move on. Also, such a good point about “qualified” as well as called.

By: Bethany Sat, 06 Sep 2014 00:44:25 +0000 In reply to Jeremy Beckham.

Jeremy, it’s an interesting question that I wish had a simply answer. My experience, which was like all those described above, was in Small Town USA.

By: Bethany Sat, 06 Sep 2014 00:40:28 +0000 Wow. What a great piece. It is funny how when this happens you think it’s only happening to you. . . . Why is it a woman is blamed for giving up her duty to her family if she is in full time ministry but the man does not receive that same pressure if he is gone the long hours instead? I have encountered many of the attitudes expressed here and it is refreshing to see that I’m not crazy!!

By: Bridget Fri, 05 Sep 2014 16:03:08 +0000 What amazed me was I was told that these kids need a good, strong role model. I had an incredible team of both men and women serving the youth. The men I had were of different backgrounds and were great with the youth. A couple of our boys, two brothers, mom left the family and caused huge problems for the boys. They needed a woman to love them, show them they are worthy and that not all women were bad. These two boys now accept hugs and walk a bit taller. The part that amazed me most about this is it came from a female pastor who had done youth ministry as well.
