Comments on: Stopping Toxic Volunteers in Their Tracks Daily Wisdom for Youth Workers. Tue, 04 Apr 2017 15:16:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Theresa Mazza Mon, 20 Jul 2015 23:30:53 +0000 In reply to Martin Hanley.

Thanks for bringing some honesty and hard stuff to the surface here. We are dealing with imperfect people as well as our own imperfections. You are so right. We don’t always find support, and things don’t always get resolved, even when we’ve made every effort possible. My prayer is, for all of us youth workers out there, if we find we’ve reached a dead end, that we don’t find ourselves alone. Every ministry dead end I’ve ever reached I’ve found God standing with me. I think we have to be brave enough to walk away from bad situations and trust God with our futures.
What are your thoughts? -T

By: Theresa Mazza Mon, 20 Jul 2015 23:12:07 +0000 In reply to davidjwkimani.

David – Thanks so much for your encouragement. I’ll be praying that God continues to lead you as you lead others. Blessings – T

By: davidjwkimani Mon, 20 Jul 2015 07:14:40 +0000 I work with teens and it’s tough dealing with negativity. This is so well articulated. I concur with the points you’ve raised. Thanks for sharing this very timely message.

By: Martin Hanley Fri, 17 Jul 2015 19:51:19 +0000 These are all great points, but what about when the toxicity never disappears? For example, toxic volunteer is asked to leave but continues to be toxic after they are gone through a) negative comments to church members, b) negative comments in the community, c) negative comments about the ministry to current youth and their friends while at school sporting events, and d) downright verbally attacking the ministry and other volunteers in face-to-face confrontations? Sadly, I’ve seen all of these. It gets even worse when church leadership does nothing because of friendships with the toxic person even though they know the comments are untrue.
