Comments on: M2GT: More Than A Sexual Orientation Daily Wisdom for Youth Workers. Fri, 14 Mar 2014 20:45:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Shawn Harrison Fri, 14 Mar 2014 20:45:59 +0000 In reply to Sarah.

Hi Sarah – have you checked out my ministry site:

By: Shawn Harrison Fri, 14 Mar 2014 20:43:57 +0000 In reply to LaDonna.

Hi LaDonna,
Thanks for commenting! Saying what your wrote, “I love you” is a good response. I would even add, “Keeping you both in my prayers,” “Here if you guys need anything,” or even just asking him how things are going in life – whether it’s with his boyfriend, job, or even faith. My question would be, how would you respond if this was a relationship between a guy and a girl, and the relationship wasn’t God-honoring?

By: Shawn Harrison Fri, 14 Mar 2014 20:43:41 +0000 In reply to Jason Benner.

Thanks so much for sharing Jason. Be happy to connect if you want to chat further.

By: Ili Fri, 07 Mar 2014 20:56:09 +0000 Thank you for this. The greatest thing is that this is coming from someone who was able to experience it. Sometimes people try understand this but they never do because it isn’t something they actually lived. I couldn’t agree more with what you say. My fiance and I are the youth leaders at our church and we always try look past these kind of things because what matters is that we look at that person just like any other, someone that needs to be saved. Gay discrimination in the church is a big problem and it saddens me that most of the time it isn’t handled how Jesus.

By: rachel Fri, 07 Mar 2014 13:58:49 +0000 In reply to LaDonna.

im right here with you LaDonna….I want to handle these situations with the right balance of compassion and love without giving them the impression that I condone it…..what does one reply? what do we say? congratulations feels wrong, be you….to postmodern….I struggle with this all the time. I had a mild debate in my Preaching Class last night about this subject and the diffuiculites of teaching on it. it of course opened a can of worms and much was said. I was the only one falling on the side of allowing people from the same sex community to serve within our churches. I feel strongly that we should welcome them in, allow them to give of their gifitngs and serve God along side of a community of believers. wouldn’t we rather them stand along side of us, loving and serving? wouldn’t we rather them be lifting his name up in worship and be close enough that we can provide for their needs and pray over their lives? wouldn’t we rather they be close to the community of beilievers, where they can be affected constantly by the love of Christ? how can life change happen when they are cast out? how can their hearts be open and prepared to allow the word to reform their lives when we wont even allow them the chance to grow spiritually? they deserve the chance to move along in their faith, to learn and grown in the scriptures, and to serve and give of their time and talents…doing this is how we all get started. this is the path we begin that pushes us to wrestle with our own sin and stop ingnoring God’s calling on our lives and our behaviors…..shouldn’t they be given the same benefit and chance to hear the voice of God? im passionate about this for many reasons. im not saying that we hand over our pulpits and allow teachings that are in direct conflict with the Word, but I am saying that we must stop pushing people out of our churches bc we don’t agree with their lifestyles.

By: LaDonna Thu, 06 Mar 2014 16:41:11 +0000 This past Sunday, a kid from our former youth group, whom we had for 8 years, announced on Facebook that he was in a relationship with a guy. Having taken a vested interest in his life and his family, while we were ministering there 3 years ago. We left the end of his junior year in high school. I am so saddened by this news, he is on my heart constantly because we love him and his family. I don’t think it was a coincidence that my simply youth ministry emails are discussing this subject this week. 😉

Sin is sin, we are all sinners, and God has the final say in our eternity. Thank God for Jesus’ blood which covers a multitude of sins. (Including my own) I totally believe Jesus calls us to love people and to let HIM deal with their heart. Which each of us is responsible for our own actions, thoughts, ect….

My question is, what is the correct response? I see a lot of “Congratulations”,”Happy For You”, “Be You”, comments on Facebook in responses, even from church members. My heart is sad and my prayers for him and his family are without ceasing. What I am thinking is “I Love You, no matter what!” being 5 hours away and not really having anymore than a Facebook connection, at this point, I am not sure I have the right to say anymore.

On a side note: I also have a Christian friend whose Christian husband just moved out and is already looking for a relationship online. What I want to do, is go to him and hit him over the head with a frying pan and say “What are you thinking?” As a Christian I think this is a perfectly acceptable response LOL! 🙂 I believe the Bible speaks clearly in this situation on how to deal with another Christian.

For me, to love someone who is gay is easy, especially outside of church. As Christians we are called to love people, meet people where they are. My last question is, as a christian, to another christian what is the appropriate response? How can I show love, without saying “good for you, be happy and enjoy this relationship?” which I cannot say at all…

P.S. Thanks for broaching a subject that has been ignored for too long, especially in religious avenues.

By: Sarah Thu, 06 Mar 2014 16:01:07 +0000 Hi Shawn,
I really appreciate you addressing this challenging topic in a sensitive and thoughtful way. I work with Jr. Youth at my church and as far as I know (but I don’t know all the kids that well) none of them are struggling with this issue. However, I myself have wrestled with the question of how to treat gay friends and family members. I have two practicing lesbian aunts as well as a cousin and a friend from university. My family members are not believers so I can pray for them and show them love, and talk to them about Christ, but I cannot hold them to Biblical standards. My friend from university, however, does claim to be a believer. I have more problems with knowing how to deal with her than with my non-believing relatives. She is now ‘married’ and has a child. I have no idea what to say to her, and I have pretty much stopped talking to her. I feel so awful for her. Is there really anything I can do?

By: Jason Benner Thu, 27 Feb 2014 06:29:26 +0000 Thank you Shawn for speaking with truth and love. I had volunteered in various youth groups for around 15 years and one of the things that grieved me so much was pretty much wherever I moved the leaders using derogatory gay terms to razz the students. “That’s throw was so gay” or “Don’t be a homo” and the like, I am ashamed to say that I never said anything until my last year in the youth ministry and sometimes joined in the mocking. I never told anyone that I have SSA even though I am happily and faithfully married. I think I hid behind the mocking because I was afraid of the reaction I would get if I was exposed, but as I realized I was more than my sexuality, I finally realized I am ok just as I am. I left the youth ministry after trying to address this and facing a cultural unwillingness to challenge the mindset. Thank you for your courage.

By: that Guy Sat, 22 Feb 2014 13:00:51 +0000 I agree with everything you have said. I do find it strange that as a “church” we get all up in arms about homosexuality, but have no problem with people living together (and serving). As the church we have for many years picked and chosen what Sin we find worse and get in groups and keep the us 4 no more mentality. As youth pastors, sponsors, and parents we just need to realize that there is a lot of “stuff” out there that we do not (and will never) understand, However we need to just keep listening for how God wants us to help in these situations.
And thanks again Shawn very good read.

By: Shawn Harrison Fri, 21 Feb 2014 19:21:51 +0000 In reply to Kelly Barefoot.

Thanks Kelly
