Comments on: Communion Alternatives Daily Wisdom for Youth Workers. Mon, 22 Jul 2019 17:18:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paul Dillinger Mon, 22 Jul 2019 17:18:44 +0000 The scriptures repeatedly us the terms “cup” and “drink.” 1 Cor 10:16, 21; 1 Cor 11:25-28. Jesus said “this cup” Luk 22:20

By: Lena Kellar Sun, 25 Feb 2018 19:47:44 +0000 Even wraps would do fine…typical bread or fresh baked bread takes away from the whole manna thing, I think. Just a thought.

By: Tony Myles Tue, 29 Apr 2014 19:03:37 +0000 In reply to Mark.

This is great, Mark. I especially like the importance of the intergenerational aspect. Maybe that in itself transcends anything clever we might do.

By: Mark Tue, 29 Apr 2014 18:39:20 +0000 I know this is an older conversation, but I’ve used everything from pita bread to matza crackers to a broken loaf of bread. Grape juice is pretty typical, but I try to change up either the form of the bread or the way in which we take the elements (either together as a group, individually with personal reflection, etc). One time, I actually used a box of donuts & hawaiian punch to illustrate that the “meal” is about the common ground of coming together for the same purpose (to remember Christ & proclaim His death), and it can take place at any time with anything you have at hand (as long as your purpose & intention is in line).

We have a lot of students that still remember the occasion with the donuts, and the importance of why we did it was more important than what we used. 🙂

By: Tony Myles Sun, 27 Apr 2014 00:16:39 +0000 In reply to Isaiah Surbrook.

Great question! I posted about it here:

By: Isaiah Surbrook Wed, 23 Apr 2014 14:39:00 +0000 So, what did you decide to do???

By: Tony Myles Wed, 16 Apr 2014 20:54:04 +0000 In reply to Greg Smith.

Well said, Greg. That’s the kind of accountability I was searching for… and the other side of the coin is how we remember that God is off-the-charts-creative, too. He didn’t make it a habit to repeat His miracles, for example, and yet had all of these traditions in the Old Testament to teach doctrine/theology/Story. Navigating this tension can be tricky, especially in churches where we tend to lean on one side of that versus the other. One of the tragedies of church history is that often, people have associated the practices of the church with greater emphasis than the One we’re trying to connect with. Tradition is the elephant in the room, for while it is an on-ramp to the highway it isn’t the highway in itself. Thanks for challenging the process on this!

By: Tony Myles Wed, 16 Apr 2014 20:54:04 +0000 In reply to Greg Smith.

Well said, Greg. That’s the kind of accountability I was searching for… and the other side of the coin is how we remember that God is off-the-charts-creative, too. He didn’t make it a habit to repeat His miracles, for example, and yet had all of these traditions in the Old Testament to teach doctrine/theology/Story. Navigating this tension can be tricky, especially in churches where we tend to lean on one side of that versus the other. One of the tragedies of church history is that often, people have associated the practices of the church with greater emphasis than the One we’re trying to connect with. Tradition is the elephant in the room, for while it is an on-ramp to the highway it isn’t the highway in itself. Thanks for challenging the process on this!

By: Tony Myles Wed, 16 Apr 2014 20:50:09 +0000 In reply to Isaiah Surbrook.

Great thought, Isaiah. There’s something about talking about the personal element of Christ caring about you and then having someone personally serve you Communion. Maybe that represents the Resurrection somehow, too – the personal aspect of Jesus coming back, letting His disciples touch the wounds in His hand, and so on. Like this a lot!

By: Tony Myles Wed, 16 Apr 2014 20:50:09 +0000 In reply to Isaiah Surbrook.

Great thought, Isaiah. There’s something about talking about the personal element of Christ caring about you and then having someone personally serve you Communion. Maybe that represents the Resurrection somehow, too – the personal aspect of Jesus coming back, letting His disciples touch the wounds in His hand, and so on. Like this a lot!
