Comments on: Senior Pastor Perspective: A Lack of Appreciation? Daily Wisdom for Youth Workers. Tue, 23 Jun 2015 08:25:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tony Myles Fri, 01 Aug 2014 20:17:32 +0000 In reply to Jason Sansbury.

Great thoughts, Jason. I imagine #2 is easier to swallow if you know about it going in. And likewise, that #4 will account for it someday.

By: Tony Myles Fri, 01 Aug 2014 20:16:32 +0000 In reply to CJ.

That’s a great insight, CJ. It does seem to be hard to balance out what’s asked versus what’s invested. Appreciate the comment!

By: Jason Sansbury Wed, 16 Jul 2014 14:44:35 +0000 If I was the senior at most the churches I worked at and this was the bar, I would give up. Most churches are a far ways from this. But I think there are some practical things that they can do:
1. Pay as well as you can. I watch young youth workers get lowballed and part of the “Jump as soon as you can” mentality is that they aren’t being paid fairly. If you can’t afford a reasonable, full time salary, then hire someone bi-vocationally or people will leave. A lot.
2. When you can’t give raises, figure out other fair compensation. I am at a spot in my career that with extra vacation, I can generate a ton of extra income by speaking at camps. (My current church doesn’t see this as part of my ministry with and to them, which is perfectly okay.) So vacation days instead of a raise would be a fair trade off.
3. Honor and respect their families. I am not married. Nor will I be. But I watch friends who suffer much when their church isn’t honoring of their families. And I watch them go to war for said church when they do honor their parents. For example, if you are the senior and catch wind of someone badmouthing a staff person’s spouse, roll up your sleeves and forcefully put an end to it.
4. Budget money for their growth. Continuing education and growth experiences are a necessary part of the job. Budget for them. I would say at least 2 a year unless your whole staff does an event together. Then 1 a year is sufficient.
5. Know what they are paying out of pocket. All of us are at some point. Honor that commitment and work towards having a real, honest budget of what it costs to do ministry. To put it another way, your youth worker shouldn’t be buying the bagels out of his own pocket every Sunday morning.

By: CJ Wed, 16 Jul 2014 14:28:09 +0000 As a pastor’s wife, I really appreciate the marriage conference idea and would also like to see churches pay for the expenses for a spouse to attend conferences that the pastor is required or suggested to attend. It’s a blessing for the pastor to attend these conferences but a burden on the family if they must pick up the tab for the spouse or kids to attend as well.

Good article, thanks!
