Comments on: Fill Their Cups: 5 Easy Ways to Empower Parents Daily Wisdom for Youth Workers. Fri, 19 Jan 2024 21:17:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brandon Early Mon, 23 Jan 2017 02:56:27 +0000 In reply to BJ.

This seems like a bit of an upward battle but your teens are worth it!

You said, “historically very disconnected from the youth ministry and the church as a whole”
I say, “Work hard to give them something worth coming to.” Look back at the list in the above post. You could start with #5, people love to be loved. Win them over.

Do you do Sunday school or have a youth Sunday service? One idea to get parents in the door might be to host a family Sunday school once a quarter. We did that today and had 5x the attendance (we call it Parent Connect). Parents enjoy seeing what we are offering their students and they get to experience that moment with their teen(s) and other families. It is not a time to preach at parents (so students feel like you are on their side), it is not a time to preach at students to show parents you are on their side. Just teach a message that everyone in the room will benefit from. That experience bonds families together and earns our ministry points with parents.

Hope that helps.

By: BJ Wed, 18 Jan 2017 21:04:59 +0000 in your experience, what is the best way to sort of “start from scratch” with a group of parents that are historically very disconnected from the youth ministry and the church as a whole? The majority of the parents in my ministry attend church, and then drop their students off and wait for them in the car when were done…i feel like its worse than pulling teeth to get them to even cone in the door to let us have a conversation with them. i love some of these suggestions, but i dont even know where to begin.
