Comments on: 3 Ways To Get Students Connected Daily Wisdom for Youth Workers. Fri, 03 Oct 2014 14:51:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Aaron Crumbey Fri, 03 Oct 2014 14:51:22 +0000 In reply to Ben Hoffmaster.

That’s awesome Ben!! I’ve learned to hold every process and idea very loosely. It helps me leave room to improve/change/remove everything when it’s needed. Sometimes we’re married to doing it the way we started it and we end up loosing out.

By: Aaron Crumbey Fri, 03 Oct 2014 14:51:22 +0000 In reply to Ben Hoffmaster.

That’s awesome Ben!! I’ve learned to hold every process and idea very loosely. It helps me leave room to improve/change/remove everything when it’s needed. Sometimes we’re married to doing it the way we started it and we end up loosing out.

By: Ben Hoffmaster Fri, 03 Oct 2014 13:57:11 +0000 We have a smaller youth ministry which is on Sunday morning. We are in the main service during P&W then are released. We made a small change recently that has helped the connection process in a bigway. We used to go back to the youth room and go straight into the lesson and then after shoot pool, play ping pong or whatever to connect with them, but now we moved that time to before the lesson. This gives us an opportunity to make relationship with any new ones or catch up with regulars about how their week went before we try to “share the gospel” with them. Small change but huge difference.
For our format this was a huge success.

By: Ben Hoffmaster Fri, 03 Oct 2014 13:57:11 +0000 We have a smaller youth ministry which is on Sunday morning. We are in the main service during P&W then are released. We made a small change recently that has helped the connection process in a bigway. We used to go back to the youth room and go straight into the lesson and then after shoot pool, play ping pong or whatever to connect with them, but now we moved that time to before the lesson. This gives us an opportunity to make relationship with any new ones or catch up with regulars about how their week went before we try to “share the gospel” with them. Small change but huge difference.
For our format this was a huge success.

By: Aaron Crumbey Thu, 02 Oct 2014 20:11:28 +0000 In reply to Chad.

Thanks Chad!! We have a student greeting team and student leaders who are reaching out and meeting students. If they are by themselves and new we make sure someone sits with them.

By: Aaron Crumbey Thu, 02 Oct 2014 20:11:28 +0000 In reply to Chad.

Thanks Chad!! We have a student greeting team and student leaders who are reaching out and meeting students. If they are by themselves and new we make sure someone sits with them.

By: Chad Thu, 02 Oct 2014 18:01:29 +0000 These are nice ideas. I’m curious if you do anything before service starts to help them get connected. For us, that seems to be where students are the most awkward.

By: Chad Thu, 02 Oct 2014 18:01:29 +0000 These are nice ideas. I’m curious if you do anything before service starts to help them get connected. For us, that seems to be where students are the most awkward.
