Comments on: Dear Gay Teens Who Are Actually Just Like Me Daily Wisdom for Youth Workers. Tue, 18 Apr 2017 20:27:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Shawn Harrison Tue, 18 Apr 2017 20:27:29 +0000 In reply to Benjamin Spears.

Hey Benjamin – great thoughts and thanks for commenting. I totally agree with you that we shouldn’t “bait and switch” people. When we approach identity through the lens of community – being the Body of Christ, instead of just individualism, we point to the larger truth that Jesus transforms all people: their hearts, their minds, their identities, their calling, etc. No one is left unchanged when they encounter Jesus. How the Holy Spirit does this and in what timing is totally up to Him, not us. As youth workers, be up front with teens, “Jesus will change your life. He wants to make you His, which may be different than what you’ve been striving for recently.” A student who deals with same-sex attractions can love and follow Jesus just as any person attracted to the opposite-sex. The point is who they wrap their identity around and who rests at the center of their life, not who they think is attractive or not. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts.

By: Benjamin Spears Tue, 18 Apr 2017 17:55:14 +0000 Shawn, thanks for sharing! The church has had a pretty dismal track record ministering to gay people– mostly because of underlying hatred/disgust/bigotry. As a pastor myself, the challenge is that when a person’s identity is defined by their sexuality, it’s hard for someone to understand “God loves me, and yet he doesn’t love something that’s a core part of who I am and he wants that to change”. When the “sin” is adopted as identity and even celebrated, it’s hard to speak the truth without coming off as an enemy, as hard as we might try not to. I think churches today have a tendency to either ignore the issue altogether and never teach on it, or speak too forcefully/harshly and preach judgment. Neither of these are good approaches. I really like your emphasis on pointing people to Jesus and letting the Holy Spirit do what he has always done– renovate people from the inside out and bring conviction in his own timing. At the same time, as a pastor, I don’t want to “bait and switch” gay people where we welcome and accept them and preach Jesus, but do so with the hidden agenda that we believe Jesus will eventually change that thing that is a key part of their identity.

By: Shawn Harrison Thu, 08 Dec 2016 21:31:16 +0000 In reply to Matt.

Amen, Matt. You pose a great question for church leaders and Christians to wrestle with and openly answer. What are your thoughts?

By: Matt Thu, 08 Dec 2016 19:24:18 +0000 I know this thread was from a while ago, but I feel compelled to comment. Through this article, and your replies to the various comments, you have so eliquently put what I have felt for so long. I have friends who are deeply committed to Christ, yet when it comes to this issue, they stand on street corners with large signs condemning homosexuals calling them to “REPENT OR GO TO HELL.” I feel like many Christians fail to reflect the heart of Jesus in this kind of response. When the woman was caught in adultery and the crowd was ready to stone her, it was Jesus who stepped in and stood between her and her accusers. Why does the church today fail to stand between the LGBTQ community and their accusers. Don’t get me wrong, I whole heartedly align myself with the teachings of Scripture, and I believe it is vital that we as the church hold to calling sin what it is. And I do believe homosexual relations in any form are sin. However, as you have put it, we must lead individuals to belonging, which will lead to believing and transformation. I often wonder if the church changed its approach maybe some would become less hostile to the gospel.

By: Todd Tue, 28 Apr 2015 17:43:11 +0000 The church is only now really beginning to understand the fall. In the midst of all the teaching about piety, we have grown to understand that the further get from the cross, the more we realize just how far the fall of man was. It’s convenient ot think that cancer came from the fall but inconvenient to htink that so did every mental illness, and every mistaken understanding of what the image of God looks like. The church needs to come to grips with all these things and the ability to overcome any sin comes form the savign power of Jesus Chirst through the Holy Spirit. Until the church begins to embrace sinners (as Jesus did) and lovingly teach them baout who Jesus is, people will continue to do what is right in their own eyes. That includes most Christians. Our message must be one of reconciliation between a loving father and his wayward children. Then once, the Holy spirit reveals the truth of the Gospel in the person of Jesus Chirst, can we disciple them toward a life in Christ that is pleasing to the father. I continue to be amazed at how we preach the law to sinners, weighting them down with a heavier yoke, while they are desperately in need of a life preserver. For the message of the cross is foolishness to those that are perishing, but to us that are being saved it is the power of God! Give them Jesus, then watch lives be changed.

By: Shawn Harrison Sun, 26 Apr 2015 13:09:06 +0000 In reply to RW Lurz.

Thanks for reading RW.

By: Shawn Harrison Sun, 26 Apr 2015 13:06:58 +0000 In reply to Roger Brown.

Amen, Roger. Thanks for commenting.

By: Roger Brown Sat, 25 Apr 2015 14:15:14 +0000 Shawn, thanks for your message and your heart for teens who are gay. I love the message of belonging leading to believing leading to transformation through Jesus. One of the things I’ve learned over the years as a youth minister is that while we are right with God at our salvation we are also a lifelong work in progress and apt to fail at any given moment… the difference being is that Jesus keeps us righteousness.
Thanks again.

By: Shawn Harrison Fri, 24 Apr 2015 18:01:16 +0000 In reply to Steve.

Thanks so much Steve 🙂

By: Shawn Harrison Fri, 24 Apr 2015 17:59:54 +0000 In reply to Dave.

Again, sorry for the confusion. Thanks for sticking with us, Dave. We value your partnership 🙂
