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3 mins

Providing Supervision for Youth Ministry Staff and Volunteers

In most professions there is a level of supervision that is required to ensure fidelity to certain expectations and to make sure that the company’s employees are “hitting the mark”.  At best, in many churches, there is the annual performance review but the one performing the review is either way too removed to be helpful or too involved to remain objective.…

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1 min

Parenting: The Hats You Wear

As a parent, you will find yourself wearing multiple hats, playing a variety of roles in the life of your child(ren). I’d like to list a few of the more prominent hats you will wear as you raise your kids. This list is both linear, in that there is a sort of progression through these roles as your children grow, and completely non-linear in that you will also find yourself constantly jumping between roles, wearing multiple hats at one time, etc.…

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