Comments on: A Pandemic of Over-Connection Daily Wisdom for Youth Workers. Thu, 29 May 2014 17:07:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rick Lawrence Thu, 29 May 2014 17:07:52 +0000 In reply to Kyle.

Love this response from you, Kyle… BTW, I think cigarettes will never be “wiped out” either, because many people would say they perform a very useful purpose in their life—similar to technology arguments. My point is not to go back in time to fix something we don’t like today, ala the X-Men fantasy—it’s to treat the addictive, brain-altering impact of over-connectedness with the legitimate attention it deserves…

By: Kyle Tue, 20 May 2014 19:48:26 +0000 This seems, to me, to be more of a conversation in how to engage, appropriately, with our culture. There are a number of benefits to technology (and I think this is where it differs from smoking) in a number of different fields. So where as with years education and boundaries, etc. we were able to move away from smoking, technology is not going anywhere because of it’s clear value to our culture and society. The problem is with the over-connectedness and our inability to be present in a conversation or connect with folks in real time that is really having an affect on our relationships and on our grasp of biblical fellowship. As a youth pastor, then, my response to this issue is one of appropriately engaging culture. The way we approach these conversations in youth ministry today is dramatically different than even a 10 years ago. These types of conversations used to focus on things like peer pressure and media consumption(music, tv shows, movies, etc.) and today when we talk about engaging culture, those things are still a part of the conversation, but they also include issues or doubt and fear, and sexual identity, as well as over-connectedness and our inability to relate to one another in the way that God calls us to. And so your analogy of the chainsaw, I think, is spot on. We need to include these kinds of boundaries when we talk with students about navigating life while still being faithful followers of Jesus Christ in our world today. Thanks for this post, Rick.

By: Rick Lawrence Fri, 16 May 2014 14:38:06 +0000 In reply to Zach Hummer.

Zach, thanks for clarifying the point you were trying to make. If a “next step” doesn’t involve a change in the way kids are using (and abusing) their technology, it means the idea that “everyone smokes, and it’s only going to get more widespread,” then it’s a tacit verdict that there’s nothing damaging about this “vice.” I think everything starts with a truthful assessment of the impact of our connection to technology. I think it’s clear from the current research that use of technologies has strengthened some brain functions and weakened others. And its clear that use of technologies is having a rapid and deepening impact on relationships. If you’re suggesting we have an opportunity to give kids experiences that their technologies have left them hungry for, I totally agree…

By: Zach Hummer Thu, 15 May 2014 19:39:19 +0000 In reply to Rick Lawrence.

Rick, I think you misunderstood what I was asking. Over-connectedness, to me, is both a problem and an opportunity for Youth Pastors. Being over connected has a very interesting benefit for those seeking to bring students to a saving knowledge of Christ: false intimacy. The authentic intimate relationship that Christ offers is massively impactful for, as you put it, the “smartphone” generation. Technology is only as good or bad as those who use it. Otherwise it is just a chainsaw with no gas. Useless. We need to start using it to our advantage. Also, thanks for a great topic to discuss in my podcast, and for being open to my comments.

By: Rick Lawrence Thu, 15 May 2014 01:24:09 +0000 In reply to Christian.

I know the New Age movement has co-opted the term “mindfulness,” but I love it. I think it applies to every aspect of our life with Jesus…

By: Rick Lawrence Thu, 15 May 2014 01:23:18 +0000 In reply to Jodi.

Jodi, thanks so much for weighing in!

By: Rick Lawrence Thu, 15 May 2014 01:21:51 +0000 In reply to Zach Hummer.

Zach, thanks for your passionate and thoughtful response. It’s not possible to go backwards in time, but it is possible to do two things: 1) Cut back. 2) Cut out. Like any other addictive behavior, if it’s possible to cut back on frequency of use (by setting boundaries on when/where/how often technology can be used) then we should be a catalyst for helping that happen. If “moderation” is impossible with a kind of technology, then cutting it out completely is the only viable option. For example, I think Snapchat should not be an available app for kids to use, and that boundary would need to come from their parents. Anyway, there’s no silver bullet, of course, but to do nothing is to capitulate to a harmful behavior. Cigarette smoking still exists, but today’s kids smoke far less than previous generations because years of education and boundaries have “worked…”

By: Christian Mon, 12 May 2014 19:13:18 +0000 I think as well as being thoughtful about how much we use our phones and other technology, we should be thoughtful about positively planning time with God, our family, friends as well as teens and their families.

By: Jodi Mon, 12 May 2014 13:40:35 +0000 Great article… I’m a student pastor and think we are doing a good job til we see our students Twittter feed, ha!

By: Zach Hummer Mon, 12 May 2014 13:31:32 +0000 I find myself slightly tense after reading this post. The part I LOVE is your explanation of Tech as a powerful tool. The analogy of a chainsaw is brilliant, and, from what I can tell, it is the only part of your post that offers a solution to the proposed problem. The tension occurs because, just like smoking cigarettes in the 50’s, no one is going to stop using technology. The change has already happened. How do we, as youth pastors, embrace it? Use it? How do we, as parents navigate it? I currently work in a school district, and in a recent conversation with the high school principal he told me that he would not feel comfortable graduating a student who could not use, research, and navigate a smartphone or tablet. My oldest child is 2 years old, and, based on the trends in my area of the US, she will likely be given an iPad or other tablet to use full time at school by the time she is 9 or 10. The option to disallow our kids use of these devices is coming to an end. What’s the next step?
