Comments on: Not An End-of-the-Year Conversation! Daily Wisdom for Youth Workers. Tue, 18 Jul 2017 21:37:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Josiah Sat, 28 May 2016 16:13:05 +0000 This is a topic of conversation that has been coming up in my youth group as well. The problem is, we have such a small church, the youth group is 5th-12th grade. I’m of the conviction that even those as young as 5th grade have had sex ed in school, they’re starting to hear about it from their friends, and they’re receiving messages from tv and music constantly – so it’s something we need to talk about. However, there are a number of parents uncomfortable with the idea, even for kids as old as 8th grade. They think it’s a mature topic that should only be approached in high school.

Any ideas about when the appropriate age to start these conversations are? And how to get parents on board?

By: Dr. Dave Gavin Fri, 27 May 2016 20:31:37 +0000 I agree with what you have stated. I preach and teach on the subject sex regular to young adults and millenniums. For me I give full disclosure to the parents before hand. Surprising to me must parents are glad that this type of reaching is coming from a husband and wife team with children. Later we have followup with the parents on what the typical Q and A was about.

As leaders we can’t run from the issue at hand therefore we must continue to seek Gos’s guidance and wisdom.

By: Scott Fairchild Fri, 27 May 2016 13:57:07 +0000 I have taught abstinence education in public schools and I agree that sex needs to be discussed and that right and wrong are more and more compartmentalized. If sex is not addressed, then kids won’t understand where it fits, and more then likely have a misconception of what a healthy sex life looks like.
Faith needs to be taught from the top down, making God center of everything, including sex. This mindset, of God being the center of ones life, is so important. This is where the youth minister’s roll is so important. As kids are ready to talk about sex, we need to allow the space to have an honest conversation. Maybe not have all the answers, but look to the Bible to support what sex means to a person who seeking a Christ-centered life.
