Comments on: Once Upon A Time, There Was a Rare Headline About Bathroom Breaks Daily Wisdom for Youth Workers. Tue, 18 Jul 2017 21:31:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: James Wed, 04 May 2016 16:04:11 +0000 Great thoughts! People often want to have their cake, and eat it too. We have to get better about truly listening to one another, instead of constantly agreeing, or disagreeing with someone. Since when are those the only two options? I may agree with someone, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to sit there and boost their ego some more. No. I’m going to ask them thought provoking questions to try and think about it in a different way. The second we think we have everything figured out, and everyone can either agree, or disagree, is the second we become exactly like the Pharisees in Scripture. We’re never going to figure this life out. Why are we pretending? Social media has allowed us to share our views on everything, and has made it possible to enter into the biggest world wide conversation to try and figure out this crazy thing we call life. And yet, since we can share our views on everything, somehow we’ve turned it into a place to throw around comments, and statements that people can agree, or disagree with in the comments below. And if you say something thought provoking, people put you in a box and ridicule you for the box that they’ve put you in.

I was thinking about this the other day, and the prodigal son came into my mind as if someone whispered it to me (crazy as it sounds). I decided I should probably read it, even though I (along with most of us) know it by heart and noticed something interesting that I’ve never thought about before. We often like to focus on the end of the story, because that’s the most heartfelt, and a great picture of grace. A while ago, a bible study at my church did a study diving into more of the middle of the story and the unpopular behind the scenes moment with the older brother (Tim Keller does the study, check it out, it was insightful). But, we never talk about the beginning of the story! And if we do, it’s just to explain to people how much of a big deal this was for the younger brother to say to the dad, “Ummm, hey Pop. Things have been ok here, and you’re a great dad, but I think it would be better if you were dead. So, can I go ahead and get my share of the inheritance, even though I’m the younger brother and the oldest brother is supposed to have first dibs. Thanks.” What? I mean, think about it. If this were to happen today… If I was brave enough to try the modern equivalent with my dad when I was in high school, he would’ve looked at me and said something like, “You better get your [input curse word here] upstairs, and never speak about this again or I’ll make your life a living hell!” But the dad in the prodigal son story doesn’t do anything remotely close to that! He doesn’t even try and stop the younger son from leaving. That’s just crazy to me! How have I never noticed that before? So where’s the connection to this topic? Why are we trying to stop the younger son of our day from leaving? We hurl insult at them, hoping it will make them stay. Why? And they want to argue that their “Defending the women and children.” Don’t use women and children as an excuse for your insults. If we boycotted everything that went against Christianity, we would starve. If you’re that upset by it, sell everything you’ve ever bought from Target. Or, as you said, try and actually come to some kind of compromise. Wanting to have social justice for people who have been ridiculed their entire life is a good thing, maybe that’s another place we can start the conversation. There are bigger cultural issues (not to mention social injustice) that won’t be solved with a statement, or even from one conversation. So why are we trying to stop the younger son from leaving?

So many people are convinced that this country is going to the dumps. Read scripture! Are you really that surprised? This is a free nation. The crazy part about being free to practice religion, is you’re also free to think religion is a waste of time. The lines between “Love God” and “Love America” have become incredibly too blurred. But, that’s almost going into a whole other issue. Reminds me of that Relient K song… “I’d like to conclude with 5 great things about America: Freedom, Justice, America… What was that last one, right, Taco-Bell. Thank you.”
