Comments on: I Promise. They ARE Listening. Daily Wisdom for Youth Workers. Tue, 30 Aug 2016 21:35:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sue Mosher Sat, 23 May 2015 12:12:40 +0000 I was leading a devotional one night and just mentioned in passing about JOY standing for Jesus, Others, and Yourself in that order (that’s what brings you true joy). One of the guys was always fiddling with something, seemingly never listening. His mother told me later that, that night, he had come home and told her about this neat thing he learned in youth group about JOY. I was blown away.

I have been in youth ministry for 33 years now. I am still learning everyday. There have been many changes to keep up with over the years, but one thing I’ve learned is to be careful what I say and do because you never know what someone else will remember, long after you’ve forgotten it.
