Comments on: M2GT: Why Should I Care? Daily Wisdom for Youth Workers. Tue, 18 Mar 2014 17:55:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Debbie Davis Tue, 18 Mar 2014 17:55:50 +0000 I personally know many young people who are gay who no longer attend church. These are young people who grew up in the very church where I was a youth leader. One of the boys was extremely active in our youth group. These children recognize that they are not accepted for who they are – straight, gay, bi-sexual, etc.(the way God made them) but rather that people think of them as “broken-needing-to-be-fixed”. Many Christians use the phrase “hate-the-sin-love-the-sinner”, and don’t understand how extremely offensive that is. Nobody says that to straight people.
I’m a registered nurse, so I also view this from a medical point of view. One quick Google search about inter-sexuality will teach you that human sexuality is much more complex than you might think.

By: Debbie Davis Tue, 18 Mar 2014 17:55:50 +0000 I personally know many young people who are gay who no longer attend church. These are young people who grew up in the very church where I was a youth leader. One of the boys was extremely active in our youth group. These children recognize that they are not accepted for who they are – straight, gay, bi-sexual, etc.(the way God made them) but rather that people think of them as “broken-needing-to-be-fixed”. Many Christians use the phrase “hate-the-sin-love-the-sinner”, and don’t understand how extremely offensive that is. Nobody says that to straight people.
I’m a registered nurse, so I also view this from a medical point of view. One quick Google search about inter-sexuality will teach you that human sexuality is much more complex than you might think.

By: Nathan Wed, 26 Feb 2014 17:49:59 +0000 In reply to Debbie Davis.


Very good point. In fact, I would even add that it would be a big mistake in focusing on changing a teen’s orientation while neglecting the bigger issue which is allowing gay teens learn about Jesus. Or even teaching the youth to be more welcoming of other gay teens and not drive a wedge within the Youth Group. This can be a bigger issue.

My 13 year old son who struggles with SSA and had been made fun of in a previous Youth Group, no longer attends. We put him in another Youth Group and now his peers are beginning to ask questions from my son’s older sister about his sexual orientation. Our fear is that he will not want to go to youth and not want to know more about Christ.

By: Nathan Wed, 26 Feb 2014 17:49:59 +0000 In reply to Debbie Davis.


Very good point. In fact, I would even add that it would be a big mistake in focusing on changing a teen’s orientation while neglecting the bigger issue which is allowing gay teens learn about Jesus. Or even teaching the youth to be more welcoming of other gay teens and not drive a wedge within the Youth Group. This can be a bigger issue.

My 13 year old son who struggles with SSA and had been made fun of in a previous Youth Group, no longer attends. We put him in another Youth Group and now his peers are beginning to ask questions from my son’s older sister about his sexual orientation. Our fear is that he will not want to go to youth and not want to know more about Christ.

By: Shawn Harrison Wed, 26 Feb 2014 03:23:18 +0000 In reply to jeff.

I have participated in the Day of Silence, and I think it’s a good thing that allows peers to discuss this subject.

I would definitely talk with your senior pastor, and maybe even parents, before inviting students to participate in this event at school.

The Day of Silence could be seen as promoting homosexuality, and while it does in some regards, I think the bigger message being promoted is love, respect, and openness of all people between all people. Teens killing themselves because they’re bullied for being gay is a HUGE deal, and they need “straight” supporters standing in their corner saying “enough is enough.”

Here are some other posts that offer some help:

By: Shawn Harrison Wed, 26 Feb 2014 03:23:18 +0000 In reply to jeff.

I have participated in the Day of Silence, and I think it’s a good thing that allows peers to discuss this subject.

I would definitely talk with your senior pastor, and maybe even parents, before inviting students to participate in this event at school.

The Day of Silence could be seen as promoting homosexuality, and while it does in some regards, I think the bigger message being promoted is love, respect, and openness of all people between all people. Teens killing themselves because they’re bullied for being gay is a HUGE deal, and they need “straight” supporters standing in their corner saying “enough is enough.”

Here are some other posts that offer some help:

By: Shawn Harrison Wed, 26 Feb 2014 03:03:23 +0000 In reply to Ken Foster.

Thanks for sharing Ken and Christian Princess!

By: Shawn Harrison Wed, 26 Feb 2014 03:03:23 +0000 In reply to Ken Foster.

Thanks for sharing Ken and Christian Princess!

By: Debbie Davis Tue, 25 Feb 2014 23:40:44 +0000 It is very important that the parents of any children participating in youth group activities at a particular church have a crystal-clear understanding of the theological views of the youth workers there.
I greatly admire church leaders who work hard to show grace, love and acceptance to everyone, but I would not want my gay child to attend activities at a church where the youth leaders might encourage him to change his sexual orientation. Those discussions could result in a lifetime of feeling unnecessary guilt, pain and confusion.

By: Debbie Davis Tue, 25 Feb 2014 23:40:44 +0000 It is very important that the parents of any children participating in youth group activities at a particular church have a crystal-clear understanding of the theological views of the youth workers there.
I greatly admire church leaders who work hard to show grace, love and acceptance to everyone, but I would not want my gay child to attend activities at a church where the youth leaders might encourage him to change his sexual orientation. Those discussions could result in a lifetime of feeling unnecessary guilt, pain and confusion.
