Comments on: Two Sides to Gay Teens Coming Out Daily Wisdom for Youth Workers. Mon, 06 Oct 2014 20:48:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tony Myles Mon, 06 Oct 2014 20:48:00 +0000 In reply to Julienne.

Julienne – you’re pointing out an intriguing tension… how do we stay faithful to what God has said to be true when culture seems louder than it ever has before… and while that’s happening, how do we communicate radical hospitality to people who feel rejected by Christians, without abandoning our calling to not just receive them but to likewise love and lead them into a growing relationship with Jesus.

By: Julienne Sat, 27 Sep 2014 16:22:09 +0000 Strange things are becoming normal and totally acceptable these days.

As much as I would accept gay teens/people at their level, I still believe they are not on the right path. I have loads of compassion for them and always want to help them see why they should come out. I wouldn’t push but will certainly pray really hard and seek opportunities to reach their heart. For every gay person, there is a vacuum, one that must be filled. The efforts of the devil at making it seem normal and acceptable in the world … gay stars, gay teachers, gay mum etc doesn’t help matters. In this video, the sick cant help the sick. The mother is also already gay in her mind, she already had a girlfriend! She cant help her son, they’ll go down together. I pray that youth ministers and other compassionate ministers for such causes will be sent their way IJN.

Pls lets keep praying. I cant really predict exactly what my reaction will be if one of my youths say they are. One thing im sure will be present is SHOCK! I know I will not chase the child away, but I know I’ll weep and weep. God help us!
