Comments on: How To Plan A Teaching Calendar Daily Wisdom for Youth Workers. Mon, 30 Nov -001 00:00:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Robert Mon, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 #comment-515 Great advice! Thanks for all you guys do and share. You are amazing! I’d like to agree with you and add my two cents worth.

During my first year as a Youth Minister, I “let the Holy Spirit guide” a lot of my lessons last minute…and I dreaded every Sunday morning and Wednesday night. My lessons were sometimes amazing (pressure makes diamonds, right?) but also flopped on occasion. During my second year, I started using LIVE Jr. High Curriculum for Wednesday nights and Group’s Core Truth for Sunday mornings. WOW! What a freedom I’ve experienced. It’s not like I use them exactly word for word. There is much room for the Holy Spirit’s inspiration and I still need to prepare. But my dread is gone. The lessons are still amazing sometimes…but now I never flop. Bullet point #1: Get a curriculum. When the Holy Spirit does inspire you, you don’t have to use it, but you can’t use it if you don’t have it.

I rearranged the lessons from both LIVE and Core Truth to fit in with my calendar for the year. In other words, I use my LIVE lessons completely out of order. I arranged my calendar around some basics I think should be taught every year (like Bible basics, simple apologetics, sex, what was Jesus like, etc). I also customized the lessons to match the “vision” that guides our Jr. High ministry. Bullet point #2: Arrange and customize your lessons to fit the overall goals of your ministry.

Mid-way through my second year, it occurred to me that the thing that is my full-time passion, Youth Ministry, is only a small portion of my students’ lives. They have lives with a rhythm and calendar separate from that of the Youth Group. I now schedule lessons with an awareness of the students’ mindset. For example, I teach basic apologetics in late-January or February when they are fully invested in thinking, fun topical lessons in late-August and September when they are energetic and just excited to be socializing. I agree, don’t forget to work with the holidays. Bullet point #3: Schedule your lessons and events to cooperate with the rhythms and schedule of your students.

This year, the Holy Spirit did actually guide me with a complete calendar for the year. I had the year scheduled as normal, mixing lessons from LIVE with those of my own invention. Just before our back-to-school party, I had a vision of something completely new. The Holy Spirit kept feeding me ideas almost faster than I would write them down. I have a ton of work to do, but I’m charged with excitement for this new task. Anyone interested in helping flesh out a 38 week curriculum?! Bullet point #4: Leave room for the Holy Spirit.

Thanks again!
