Leadership Archives - YouthMinistry.com https://youthministry.com/leadership/ Daily Wisdom for Youth Workers. Thu, 18 Jul 2024 14:11:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 Small Wins or Greater Things? https://youthministry.com/small-wins-or-greater-things/ https://youthministry.com/small-wins-or-greater-things/#respond Mon, 22 Jul 2024 10:00:37 +0000 https://youthministry.com/?p=76961 In youth ministry we often settle for small wins (ANY wins) when Jesus said his followers will do “even greater things” than he did (John 14:12).
Can I be honest?
In some ministry settings, if I didn’t celebrate the small wins, I wouldn’t have any wins to celebrate.…

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https://youthministry.com/small-wins-or-greater-things/feed/ 0 In youth ministry we often settle for small wins (ANY wins) when Jesus said his followers will do “even greater things” than he did (John 14:12).https://youthministry.com/wp-content/upload/ymprod/600-x-300-px-67-270x196.png270196
Summer Is a Liar https://youthministry.com/summer-is-a-liar/ https://youthministry.com/summer-is-a-liar/#respond Mon, 08 Jul 2024 10:00:56 +0000 https://youthministry.com/?p=62013 In a ministry context, summer is a serial liar. I mean, summer is NOT a slower time for youth ministry, and it’s NOT chock-full of margin.
We won’t have a more relaxed schedule, and we won’t have time to catch our breath.…

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https://youthministry.com/summer-is-a-liar/feed/ 0 Summer break? Not in youth ministry... Here are a few ideas to maximize your time during the summer months, without going insane.https://youthministry.com/wp-content/upload/ymprod/600-x-300-px-63-270x196.png270196
What Does Your “Ministry-Image” Look Like? https://youthministry.com/what-does-your-ministy-image-look-like/ https://youthministry.com/what-does-your-ministy-image-look-like/#comments Mon, 24 Jun 2024 10:00:47 +0000 http://youthmindev.wpengine.com/?p=48332 I once did a lesson series with our students entitled “LOVE YOU: Learning to Love Who God Made You to Be.”  Our study focused in on what a Christ-centered self-image looks like, and how the way we see ourselves affects our relationship to God and others.  …

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Serving Graduates for the Long Haul https://youthministry.com/serving-graduates-for-the-long-haul/ https://youthministry.com/serving-graduates-for-the-long-haul/#comments Mon, 29 Apr 2024 10:00:32 +0000 http://youthmindev.wpengine.com/?p=47093 Eventually, you’re going to see how it all plays out.
Right now, they’re teenagers. Tomorrow they’ll be in in college or starting a job… then growing into their early twenties, and so on.
You’ll watch from afar as all of the time you’ve poured into helping them know Jesus personally either gets scrapped or gets owned.…

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Good Kids are NOT Perfect Kids https://youthministry.com/good-kid-are-not-perfect-kids/ https://youthministry.com/good-kid-are-not-perfect-kids/#comments Mon, 01 Apr 2024 10:00:52 +0000 http://youthmindev.wpengine.com/?p=44731 The proverbial “good kid” can come in many shapes and forms. They might be the ones that always show up early to actually help set up, or sit in the front row so they can pay attention and take better notes, or we ask to be on the student leadership team, or are the first to sign up for the missions trip, show up to every fundraiser and actually pay on time.…

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4 Learnings From Listening To My Student Leaders https://youthministry.com/4-learnings-from-listening-to-my-student-leaders/ https://youthministry.com/4-learnings-from-listening-to-my-student-leaders/#comments Mon, 04 Mar 2024 11:00:49 +0000 http://youthmindev.wpengine.com/?p=44659 I had the privilege of taking a few of my student leaders to a workshop where they were a part of a Q & A panel. There were youth workers there asking questions about their experience in youth ministry. Now, they had a few of the questions beforehand, but I didn’t prep them nor did I shape their answers.…

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Don’t Freak Out – Try a N.A.P. https://youthministry.com/dont-freak-out-try-a-n-a-p/ https://youthministry.com/dont-freak-out-try-a-n-a-p/#respond Mon, 04 Mar 2024 11:00:12 +0000 http://youthmindev.wpengine.com/?p=51969 Confession time…
I once auditioned for a national commercial.
The tagline of the product?
“Never let them see you sweat.”
These commercials were famous. The spokesperson would offer an additional summary at the end of the ad, such as “Everyone feels pressure.…

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Why My Teen Hates Your Small Group https://youthministry.com/why-my-teen-hates-your-small-group/ https://youthministry.com/why-my-teen-hates-your-small-group/#comments Mon, 19 Feb 2024 11:00:35 +0000 http://youthmindev.wpengine.com/?p=44467 For as long as I can remember I have been the poster child for relationally driven ministry. Perhaps it’s because I came out  of the roller skating party era of youth group where it was more about programs than going deep.…

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Four Questions Every Youth Ministry Should Ask https://youthministry.com/four-questions-every-youth-ministry-should-ask/ https://youthministry.com/four-questions-every-youth-ministry-should-ask/#respond Mon, 19 Feb 2024 11:00:07 +0000 http://youthmindev.wpengine.com/?p=40480 Every Tuesday I eat lunch with our Children’s Ministry Pastor. I do it for three reasons…He’s a good friend, an extremely strategic thinker and every youth pastor needs to be in cahoots with the Children’s Pastor.
Last week, while I chewed on a bun-less chili burger (Yes, chili burgers are totally healthy if you exclude the bun), Steve shared three key questions he asks about his ministry on a regular basis.…

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4 Practical Ways to Honor Your Lead Pastor https://youthministry.com/4-practical-ways-honor-lead-pastor/ https://youthministry.com/4-practical-ways-honor-lead-pastor/#respond Mon, 05 Feb 2024 11:00:22 +0000 http://youthmindev.wpengine.com/?p=58524 Maintaining healthy relationships is a priority in all areas of life, but our ministry world requires special attention. Ultimately, we spend about a third of our lives working, which means we spend a third of our days with co-workers. That’s a significant amount of time, so we want the atmosphere to be positive and productive for everyone.…

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