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honest thank-you letter
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Mom’s Honest Thank-you Letter to Encourage Youth Workers

Dear youth pastor of my son who’s getting ready to graduate high school: Forgive me for being so preoccupied right now, as the last weeks of high school are finally here, and I can’t believe it’s almost over. I’ve been meaning to reach out and express my gratitude, but I’ve been so busy that I keep forgetting to say thank you for everything you’ve done for my son.…

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Embracing Your “Calling”

If you ask people in ministry about their “calling” they give you the answer about what they now “do” for Jesus. You know what I mean. We are “called” to be youth pastors. However, I believe that “calling” is a far more transformational experience than any “one thing.”…

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4 mins

The Small Group Fail

I can recall my first major small group fail vividly from about 17 years ago.   I had been in youth ministry for a few years by then, so I thought of myself as a little bit of an up-and-coming relational expert.  …

ways to be intentional in youth ministry
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3 Ways to Be Intentional in Youth Ministry

We stood in the middle of an arena while hundreds of junior high students were running around, playing ninja and 4-square with more AXE body spray on than any human should be allowed. The concern on Rebecca’s face was real. She had been leading her youth ministry for just over a year and was feeling as if their Sunday morning small groups were a little flat.…

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4 mins

A Mom of a Transgender Son Reaches Out

Below is excerpt of an email one mom sent to another. Both mom’s are walking the journey of raising a gay child. I thought what my friend shared with this particular mom was info more moms and dads need to read.…

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2 mins

How to be a Small Group Guru, Part 2: It’s All About Leadership

John Maxwell has said, “Everything rises and falls on leadership”.  And while I’m not sure that everything rises and falls on leadership, I think it is true when it comes to youth ministry small groups. The adults you entrust to lead your small groups will make or break your efforts.…

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1 min

Faith or Rigidity (Help, I Have an Aspie in my Youth Group! – Pt. 2)

*Read PART 1 here!* Left to their own devices, children with Asperger’s Disorder will often go through life like a train on a track: one way, straight ahead, never varying, and avoiding the unexpected.  It is hard to live a life of faith without the flexibility to take-risk, something that is difficult for an Apsie.…

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Loving Needy Students

One of the most difficult aspects of student ministry is learning to meet the needs of each individual student. Over the years, we’ve gotten pretty good at assessing and addressing the general needs of the larger group, but getting past the “one-size-fits-all” mindset is tough.…

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4 Money Principles to Teach Your Kids

Money doesn’t have to be difficult, so why do we make it that way? When you really boil good money management down to the basics, it’s all about four things: working, giving, saving and spending. That’s it. So when you teach young kids about money, all you really need to do is show them a simple version of what you are (hopefully) doing already. …

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Build Youth Ministry Hype This Fall!

Fall is the perfect time to build youth ministry hype. Fall is a prime-time outreach for students. It’s the time of the year where students are injected back into their mission field. And I’ve learned that as a youth minister, one of our many jobs is to create a place where it’s easy for students to invite their friends.…

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