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(PODCAST) In His Image: Compassion

Join Rick for the 11th episode of the series IN HIS IMAGE. When you hear the cares and concerns of others, do you enter into their reality, or do you keep your distance (however subtly)? When a conniving Pharisee asks Jesus about the “most important” commandment, Jesus tells him what he already knows—“Love the Lord your God with all your heart…”—but then adds a second “equally important” commandment: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”…

young leaders
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3 mins

How a Small Group of Young Leaders Makes a Big Impact

Much of the momentum in our youth ministry is the result of our student leadership team (SLT). We invest a lot in that group because we want young leaders to invest in our youth ministry. [tweet_box design=”default” float=”none”]Ultimately, we aim to influence a group of teenagers to become kingdom-minded influencers.[/tweet_box]…

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3 mins

(PODCAST) Present Concerns: Division

Join Rick for the 1st episode of the new series PRESENT CONCERNS—we’ll be exploring the issues and challenges that make up the wallpaper of our life today, connecting them directly back to how Jesus dealt with similar issues. In this kickoff episode we’ll explore—“Division.”…

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3 mins

(PODCAST) Present Concerns: Good Humor

Join Rick and Becky for the 5th episode of the new series PRESENT CONCERNS—we’ll discover how Jesus upends the “default” way we respond to the challenges and issues we’re facing in this strangest of seasons. In this episode we’ll dive into—“Good Humor.”…

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3 mins

(PODCAST) Present Concerns: Fear

Join Rick for the 2nd episode of the new series PRESENT CONCERNS—we’ll be exploring the issues and challenges we’re facing in this strangest of seasons, connecting them directly to how Jesus dealt with similar issues. In this episode, we’ll explore—“Fear.” It’s our everyday fears, not the spectacular supernatural fears of Halloween or horror movies, that are most compelling and most relevant to our relationship with Jesus.…

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3 mins

(PODCAST) Kingdom Come: Family Traditions

Join Rick for the 1st episode of the new series KINGDOM COME. What did Jesus really come to do—what was His “mission”? We’ve been told that it’s basically a rescue mission. But our rescue is simply the epic fruit of a restored relationship, which is the passion of God.…

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3 mins

(PODCAST) Present Concerns: Hope Deferred

Join Rick and Becky for the 7th episode of the new series PRESENT CONCERNS—we’ll explore our looming life challenges and discover how Jesus works our ugly into beauty, like clay in His hands. In this episode, we’ll explore… “Hope Deferred.” We tend to think about our hopes in the major categories of life, but we have hundreds of tiny, unrealized hopes crawling around our life every day.…

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3 mins

(PODCAST) Kingdom Come: Bow Down

Join Rick for the 2nd episode of the new series KINGDOM COME. What are some obvious differences between a democracy, like the one we live in, and living under the rule of a king? We mostly have no idea what it means to actually live in a kingdom, and we’ve never actually been in a close relationship with a king.…

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2 mins

(PODCAST) Present Concerns: Consider the Birds

Join Rick for the 6th episode of the new series PRESENT CONCERNS—we’ll explore our looming life challenges and discover how Jesus is working to bring beauty in the swirl of our ugly. In this episode, we’ll… “Consider the Birds.” It’s almost impossible for us to stop worrying—we all have concerns that dominate our thoughts.…

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3 mins

(PODCAST) KINGDOM COME: The Point of Your Story

Join Rick for the 3rd episode of the new series KINGDOM COME. In the Kingdom of God, storytelling is not only the highest form of art, it defines the mission and passion of Jesus. Jesus came to tell a new story in our life, and to invite us to do the same with others.…

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