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The Cancer Hiding Inside Your Relational Ministry

I was relational before relational was cool… Way back in the day, I invited kids in my youth group to run errands with me, signed on to be a substitute teacher to earn street cred with kids at school, and invited the families of my teenagers over for dinner.…

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4 mins

Why Standing-at-the-Door Is My Favorite Ministry

“Helloooooo!!!” I greet teenagers as they walk up the stairs to our middle and high school student ministry area. There’s a platform at the top of the landing where kids gather before they make their way into the youth room. I love this space.…

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3 mins

Two Crucial Short-Lists For Any Mission Trip

Your summer mission trip is on the launching pad—the countdown is on. Maybe you just completed your last leg on the fund-raising marathon (who knew teenagers could sell that many over-priced balls of cookie dough?). Your spreadsheet mapping the intricate details of the trip is filling up.…

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4 mins

The 5 Must-Have Adults on Any Mission Trip

We’ve been here before… Our annual summer mission trip is just around the corner and we’re pulling leaders out of our….directories. How did this happen again this year? I was so good at planning ahead. Then badda bing, badda boom, it’s May!…

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2 mins

Back-to-School: Using Your ‘Secret Weapon’

We all want to make the most of new beginnings, and longtime youth pastor Ralph Paige has helped point the way for me. Though he’s been a ministry leader for more than 20 years, he treats every start of a new school year as a blank page.…

road trip games
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2 mins

To Fall Retreat or Not To Fall Retreat?

Summer is over, students are back in school, and weekends are filled with football. Oh, how I love the fall. Having been in my current role less than two years, I am still in the early stages of the “figuring out the culture of our group” learning curve.…

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2 mins

Bi-Believer Ministry

Not long ago I got off the phone with a “profoundly unhappy” mom whose daughter is a regular in our youth ministry.  She launched into a long, emotional tirade about our ministry’s openness to “those kids”—teenagers who don’t yet love or follow Jesus. …

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3 mins

Make “Less” Your “More” in Your Holiday Planning

From the last porch light of Halloween through the last light of the Christmas tree, our holiday schedules are packed! Cramming their way into our margins are school Christmas parties, staff get-togethers, and family dinners—and we haven’t even touched decorating, cooking, shopping, and wrapping.…

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2 mins

Only Small Ones: The Subtle Secret to Big Wins

We may never see the end results, but that is the difference between the master builder and the worker.  We are workers, not master builders. We are prophets of a future not our own. (Cardinal Dearden, 1979) We had pulled together a handful of youth workers from our city for a little mutual encouragement (and pizza). …

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2 mins

(PODCAST) In His Image: Work

Join Rick as he dives into the sixth episode of a new series IN HIS IMAGE. Today we’ll be exploring why Work is a core expression of Jesus’ heart, and why he honors effort but not earning. Work is the transformational expression of His redemptive love, and is therefore central to who we are.…

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