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3 mins

Planting a Culture of Hope In Your Ministry

In all of my years working with teenagers, I’ve never met a more impressive group than those I’ve met at Hope House of Colorado. These determined young women have overcome generational poverty, pushed through impossible situations, and inspired entire communities to be better and do better.…

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3 mins

Recruiting a Ninja Team

Each summer for the last three years, our youth ministry has served our city through a weeklong local mission trip called “I HEART LINCOLN” (or I❤LNK). Our teenagers pay a $100 fee and are placed on a team with two leaders—each team is assigned a pre-arranged service project organized by a local organization in our city.…

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2 mins

Back-to-School: The 7 First Steps

In an extended pick-your-brain session with longtime youth pastor Ralph Paige, I sat with a group of young youth workers eager to learn from Ralph’s veteran wisdom as another school year rockets off the launching pad. In Part 1 of this series, Ralph focused on the foundational importance of prayer.…

Asking Hard Questions About Our Priorities
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3 mins

Asking Hard Questions About Our Priorities

For youth workers, it’s an itch that won’t go away… We know there’s something different about Generation Z, but a recent Barna report claims that today’s teenagers are mirror images of their Millennial older brothers and sisters… If that’s true, here’s a quick snapshot of what that means: They are success-driven and focused on achieving.…

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11 mins

Bible Study: “Who Does Jesus Say I Am?”

by Kelli and David Trujillo Jesus: Who Do You Say I Am? – The Meaning of Allegiance Editor’s Note: This is the third of a yearlong series of Bible studies that will help your teenagers answer Jesus’ profound question in Luke 9:18-20—”Who do you say I am?”…

blessing boxes
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1 min

FREEBIE Discussion Starter: Blessing Boxes Spring Up in Neighborhoods

INSTRUCTIONS: Spark conversations about biblical truth by discussing the “News Nugget” below. Bring it up in conversation, as a discussion-starter at the beginning of your gathering, as a small-group discussion-starter, or as part of a Bible study. Add any additional information and new developments.…

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5 mins

Downshifting Your Summer Strategy

If you’re a volunteer youth worker who needs to take a break, this article might help you. If you’re a youth pastor with maxed-out volunteers, this article might give you perspective. I am a longtime volunteer youth worker and full-time staffer at my church in a non-youth ministry role. …

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2 mins

Being Before Doing

The youth ministry equivalent of “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” is  “Which comes first, basic Christian disciplines or a personal connection to Jesus?” We treat the “basics” of the Christian life like they’re building blocks—prayer, Bible reading, Scripture memorization, service, and worship—but what happens when we emphasize those basics outside the context of a close, personal relationship?…

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3 mins

5 Tools for Jesus-Style Digital Discipling

Use these 5 digital tools to help disciple youth in your ministry. In his day, Jesus used one of the most powerful communication tools known to man—it’s called “the parable.” He was a master storyteller. And so, we read in Matthew 13, when he has gathered a large crowd, he leverages the moment by telling five parables in a row.…

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3 mins

Rebooting Your Calendar

My team was tired. And I couldn’t blame them, even though the fruits we saw from our ministry efforts were undeniably profound. We’d just marched through a packed calendar of amazing, bridge-building events that attracted new teenagers to our ministry and a Bible study series that deepened the faith of our student leaders.…

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