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10 Things A Small Group Leader Must Be Okay With

Being a small group leader is great and scary at the same time. I took a group of guys from freshman year to senior year.  It was great, but there were some things I had to learn to be okay with throughout the four years that I wish I knew at the beginning.…

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3 mins

Oh No! Where Did Everyone Go?

This has never happened to me before in ministry… It’s summer, and at least half of the adult leaders I serve with are unplugging from their roles until the fall. And a large chunk of our youth group also won’t be around because they’ll be “at the cabin” for most of the summer.…

relationship-building, Christmas, Linger
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What Christmas Teaches Us About Relationship-Building

Amid all the busyness, the Christmas season inspires people to intentionally draw near to God and to one another. Youth ministries can learn a lot from that about relationship-building throughout the year. Our youth program runs a solid midweek combo of large and small groups, with some big outreach events tossed in.…

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2 mins

How Many Do-Overs Do We Get?

I could hear my heart beating in my ears. The oxygen in my lungs felt like concrete, dragging me down. I could barely breathe. Everything was riding on this, and I had only one shot. But I missed. Again. In the sun and sweat of the playground, it felt like the 40th time I’d whiffed at kickball (reality check—maybe it was really only the second or third time).…

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3 mins

Savvy Advice for Handling the Money of Mission Trips

Our “Wired Ministry” columnist Brandon Early is a longtime youth pastor who’s collected a few pet peeves along the way. Here’s one that’s focused on financial frustrations that orbit typical youth ministry trips—we asked youth workers who serve on our “In the Trenches” team to take a whack at answering Brandon’s question, below: “What’s the system you use to help students pay for trips and retreats?…

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2 mins

How to be a Small Group Guru, Part 1: Starting Right

Let’s spend this month talking about small groups! Small groups are nothing new, but many youth groups are just about to kick off a new season for the school year. And the beginning of a new small group run is a great time to remind yourself of some basic principles that may help get things off and running on the right foot.…

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2 mins

(PODCAST) THE WAYS OF JESUS: Sitting at the Wrong End of the Table

Big news! Rick is re-launching his podcast Paying Ridiculous Attention to Jesus after a year-long sabbatical. Even bigger and better news—the Becky-nator will be joining him again to co-host. So check out the Episode 2 of Season 8 “Sitting at the Wrong End of the Table”—a continuation of the series “THE WAYS OF JESUS.”…

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4 mins

Confessions of a Youth Worker—The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Before I launch into my confession-vomit, a few qualifiers… I love my church… I’d attend even if I didn’t work there (I know not every church staff member can say that with a straight face). I love and respect my pastor and my boss—my bullet-point confessions are not a veiled critique.…

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Part 2 – Rural Youth Ministry

(Here’s the 2nd installment from Brent Lacy from his new book, Rural Youth Ministry. Enjoy! – Stephanie) Article 2) The Value of your Community in Rural Youth Ministry You won’t be very long in your new place of Rural Youth Ministry before you hear some form of the following statement – “you’re just a transplant; what do you know?”…

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