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Confession & Transformation In the Youth Ministry Trenches
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Confession & Transformation in the Youth Ministry Trenches

Recently, three students met with me (and another leader) to share, for the first time, that they’d made a decision to embrace their transgender identity. Let that sink in—instead of running from the church at a moment like this, all three felt safe enough to open up about their journey and seek out a closer relationship with Jesus, wherever that might lead them. …

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3 mins

Kingdom Harassment? #MeToo

By now, you’ve probably seen the #MeToo hashtag. And maybe you’ve been surprised at how many teenagers and adults you know are using it to publicly acknowledge sexual assault or harassment. The hashtag emerged after multiple actresses came forward to expose the predatory patterns of powerful Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein.…

youth group service project working
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2 mins

The Mess of Mission Trips

In case you haven’t realized it yet, mission trips are messy. Despite all our planning, screening, and noble intentions, every trip involves some really flawed people (including us) who tend to swing from one bit of drama to the next. Even when we’re being leader-like, such as ensuring that people serve for the “right reasons,” we’re pushing values that recipients may struggle with.…

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