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Include Parents In The Plan

Like it or not Fall is upon us.   The weather might still be warm (alright boiling hot for some of us) and the sun thankfully is still setting well into the evening.   Weekends can still be spent at the beach or cooking out.  …

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2 mins

FREEBIE: “Chinese Parents Camp Out on Campus” Discussion Starter

In the News Shanghai, China—Hundreds of “love tents” pop up every fall on Chinese university campuses, and the residents are parents, not students. Parents—and often extended family members—who travel long distances with their college freshmen often have difficulty finding accommodations. So universities have devised the compassionate solution of free campsites, allowing parents to make sure their kids get settled in.…

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3 mins

Show Parents They Matter This Christmas

We are on the brink of Christmas.  Many people keep asking me if we are “ready.”  The answer is of course, “No.” I would love to be one of those amazing people who have been prepped and ready for the big day for weeks, merely waiting in anticipation.…

empower parents
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2 mins

Fill Their Cups: 5 Easy Ways to Empower Parents

After more than two decades in youth ministry, I’m honestly still trying to figure out my job on a daily basis. That isn’t insecurity speaking; it’s a youth pastor admitting I’ll never be perfect at my job-slash-ministry. Pair that with today’s ever-changing culture, and just when I start getting good at something, it changes or becomes obsolete.…

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2 mins

Me and Parents in Youth Ministry

The “untraditional family” has become the “traditional” family. The US Census indicates over 7 million grandparents in the US raising their grandchildren. I have found on some sites discussing the issue of “fatherlessness” that  one in three children are born to a never married parent.…

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3 mins

A 13-Month Plan Your Kids’ Parents Will Love

Parenting my own children has helped me become a much better youth leader. Young, single, fun and crazy youth workers have the TIME to invest in teenagers, the ENERGY to go the distance with them, and the FRESH EYES to change things up.…

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4 mins

See Parents Through New Eyes

I talked to a fellow youth worker this morning who made the comment, “I feel like I am so behind already in planning the coming school year.”  Although it’s only July, before we know it students will be home from vacation and back in school.  …

girl thinking decisions
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5 mins

Why Life Skills Are Essential for Resilient Teenagers

The last time I saw Aaron, he was learning about life skills at a training session for at-risk teenagers. At the time, he was close to the cliff’s edge—where kids who are drug-addicted and homeless slip into oblivion. His parents didn’t know or care where he was.…

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2 mins

A Letter to Parents

Hey parents, Thank you for the way you’ve reached out and supported what we’re trying to do to stay connected with your students and families during this season. As a parent of teenagers, I understand the responsibility you feel to take care of your family… I’m so thankful for those of you who’ve reached out to me (and I know many others) checking on us, offering to help, and supporting us.…

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