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4 mins

A Ministry Primer for Navigating the Virus Outbreak

Sometimes the movement of history feels glacial; sometimes it turns on a dime. And sometimes, today for instance, history shoves us off the subway platform onto the tracks. Now we must learn how to “live and breathe and move” in a world where “pandemic” is no longer a plot device in a film but a present reality.…

ministry malpractice
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3 mins

Youth Ministry Malpractice #2: Why Fun & Games Aren’t to Blame

It’s helpful to look at things we already think we know well through a new filter. That’s how we jettison ourselves from ruts and cure ourselves of blindness. So, what if we sampled some standard youth ministry “givens” and looked at them through a doctor’s filter?…

Experience the Bible
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3 mins

4 Tools & Tips for Experiencing the Bible Daily

I have never been able to pull together much of a routine in any area of my life. This includes reading my Bible. That doesn’t mean I don’t get into the Word every day—it just means I don’t interact with my Bible the same way, every day.…

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6 mins

Whiteboard Wednesday: Magnetic Authenticity

In this week’s Whiteboard Wednesday experiment, we take a surprising plunge into authenticity, and what it looks like to create a ministry environment that invites vulnerability and a sense of relaxed honesty. Teenagers growing up in a “curated” and plastic world are starved for authentic relationships—we explore the way Jesus feeds people who hunger for deeper connections in their life.…

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7 mins

How to Ease Re-Entry After a Mountaintop Experience

The van-ride home from a retreat or trip alternates between chaos and peace as kids relive highlights from the week. The caffeine is finally wearing off, and the exhaustion is setting in. If you’re like me, when I pull the van into the church parking lot I have two emotions sweep over me: relief that we made it home, and a kind of sadness that the experience is over.…

Background Checks Communicate that Kids are Important
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3 mins

Background Checks Communicate that Kids are Important

Jack Anderson (not his name) thought it could never happen—at least not at his church. The color drained from his face when he received the call that a police investigation was in progress due to a report of sexual misconduct from one of his volunteers.…

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2 mins

Part 1 of 3: Rural Church Youth Ministry

(Dear Small Church Friends, I am SO pumped to bring you this 3-part series from Brent Lacy, a rural youth ministry guy. He recently published his first book, Rural Youth Ministry through Group’s new line, Everyday Youth Ministry. I asked him to write this series because I know that many of you serve in rural settings and so I thought he could serve you best in this area.…

Read in
9 mins

Follow These Powerful Lessons to Embrace Outsiders

What happens when one youth worker plunges herself into the gritty lives and disorienting culture of “fringe” kids, and what she learns from the experience that helps her create a profoundly welcoming environment in her ministry. By Theresa Mazza It was a crazy night in the mosh pit.…

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2 mins

Youth Group Activities: Serving and Thanksgiving

These youth group activities provide ideas for service during the Thanksgiving season and a fun way for your group to gather the food for a Thanksgiving meal. Youth Group Activities: Serving and Thanksgiving In Matthew 10:8 Jesus said, “Freely you have received; freely give.”…

girl thinking decisions
Read in
5 mins

Why Life Skills Are Essential for Resilient Teenagers

The last time I saw Aaron, he was learning about life skills at a training session for at-risk teenagers. At the time, he was close to the cliff’s edge—where kids who are drug-addicted and homeless slip into oblivion. His parents didn’t know or care where he was.…

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