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With Two Hands

Hey YM Nation, I am Estevao Yu, and it is my honor to write my first blog post for awesome youth workers. Thank you for serving with all your heart in the youth ministry because YOU MATTER to the students. Every year, I struggle to bring the right balance of local and overseas missions for my students to serve during the summer.…

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2 mins

How are you Feeling?

Some days, I could care less. Other days, I couldn’t care more. It doesn’t matter what the topic is… there are days when my feelings get bullied by my logic, and other days when my emotions want to rule my life.…

equipping new believers
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3 mins

5 Ways to Help Students Absorb the Bible

We sat down in a close circle, exhaled and focused as we opened the Bible. As each page was read, they became more and more involved. Word after word, they sat drinking in the richness of the sacred texts of God.…

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3 mins

Inexplicable Belief

  Ever had someone believe in you more than you believe in yourself? Or, even deeper, ever had someone invest inexplicable belief in who you are and what you can do? Several years ago I wrote a book called Sifted. I’ve written many books over the years, but this was my first attempt to write something for a wider readership than the youth ministry community.…

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3 mins

Student Ministry and Divorce: It’s an Issue

“Everyone is ministering to students of divorced families. No one is doing it well.” –Doug Fields When I first heard that statement it struck a chord in me. At first I thought, “Wow that was pretty bold.” The very next moment though I began to think, “But what if he’s right?”…

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3 mins

How Your Emotional Health May Be Killing Your Ministry…

Nine years ago, I was on the path to success in ministry, but I was in danger of losing my fiancé. I was gaining the knowledge needed to pastor through seminary, but I was ill equipped in the art of relationships and did not have the emotional health to fix it.…

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4 mins

Reaching Kids Experiencing Same-Sex Attraction

Reaching Kids Experiencing Same Sex Attraction An article from Jonathan McKee at “We are confident in our theology concerning sexuality. We are equally confident that how we’ve traditionally approached sexuality, and ministering to teenagers in all stages of their sexual identity, has been unintentionally hurtful, confusing, and alienating to a whole bunch of teenagers.”…

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1 min

FREEBIE: Easter-themed Fundraiser

Are you raising money for you next youth event? Or are you going on a mission trip experience this summer and need some help getting the last of the funds together? Easter is a great time to host a fundraiser for your youth group, and we have a silly Easter-themed idea especially for you!…

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