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CPYU Trend Alert: High Times?

Each December the National Institute on Drug Abuse releases the results of its Monitoring the Future survey concerning drug use, attitudes and behaviors. The 2006 survey was conducted on 48,460 8th 10th, and 12th grade students (17,026, 16,620, and 14,814, respectively) from 410 schools nationwide by the University of Michigan.…

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5 mins

CPYU Trend Alert: Teen Gambling

Teen attitudes are shaped by, and steeped in, the relativistic postmodern cultural landscape, which reflects a mindset that snubs absolute truth in favor of subjective feelings. Here, gambling is viewed not so much as a sin – as with the Las Vegas “Sin City” label – but as a matter of personal preference and choice.Today’s…

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1 min

Middle School Small Groups

There are times I don’t really like my small group. Don’t get me wrong, I really like my 8th grade guys, I just don’t always look forward to small group. My guys are on the over-active side, they usually forget their Bibles, they rarely share a prayer request of greater consequence than ‘pray that my team wins our football game Saturday’ and I’m fairly certain that none of them has been introduced to a deodorant stick.…

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Cheap and Easy

As our ministries grow, it becomes natural that our special events and activities grow, too. More students equals bigger events, bigger budgets, more planning, more medical forms, more vans to rent, more volunteers to recruit, more … well just about more everything!…

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