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4 mins

Teens and Suicide

Several years ago my assumptions about suicide were rattled. I thought, as did many others, that suicide was most prominent in and around the onset of winter and the arrival of what is supposed to be a joyous holiday season. It turns out, ironically enough, that spring is the peak season for suicides!…

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7 mins

Survey Says…

At CPYU, we depend a lot on surveys. They’re useful for getting feedback and suggestions, and can provide insight on a targeted group of people. We also monitor and review the results of surveys from a variety of different and reliable sources and pass this information on to you.…

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6 mins

The Pressure’s On

Okay, I’ll admit it to all of you who brandish shotguns, tromp through muddy bogs and wear “camo” while in pursuit of bagging a big prize … I’m a wimp … not a hunter. The only “hunting” I’ve ever done in my life took place years ago during our annual family vacations to Florida.…

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8 mins

Your Marriage and Ministry

For years, Cathy and I have been talking with youth workers about their ministry and their marriage. I do realize all youth workers are not walked down the aisle, but most will be married at one time in their life. I also find that most youth workers struggle with juggling their ministry and marriage.…

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2 mins

10 Building Block of a Happy Family

Over the past few years more and more youth workers talk with me about family issues in the church as well as their own family problems. I spent much of my youth ministry career studying kids and families in crisis and just a few years ago I started asking the question, “Are there any happy families out there?”…

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1 min

A Sense of Militancy

Many young adults today know what it’s like to have a sense of militancy; to believe in a cause that is bigger than oneself. We anxiously watch CNN praying for our troops’ safe return. But back here on home soil, we work day in and day out with teenagers that have been given much to aspire to or believe in.…

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2 mins

A Lost Art

“I can live for two months on one good compliment.” – Mark Twain We live in a pretty ungrateful society. From your boss, to the parents you try to please, to the students you love, rarely will you ever get all the affirmation you deserve.…

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