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3 Things You’ll Never Hear Me Say in the Spring

Three things you’ll never hear me say in the spring: 1)    Everyone’s camp balances are paid in full! 2)    I spent way too much time with my small group leaders this semester. 3)    I wish these 8th graders would hurry up and transition to high school.…

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4 mins

The Clash of Staying versus Going: Pt 3

I have one final thought for you. First, we asked the question: Should I stay or should I go? Next, we pondered a couple check marks that remind us what’s most important. In a moment, I’m going to post some wisdom from the trenches.…

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2 mins

5 Ways To Enrich Your Small Group Time!

This year with my small group I decided to try somethings that I didn’t do with my last group, and boy has it paid off. So I thought I’d share with you five things that I’ve tried this year in my small group that has brought them closer, and has also made them more interested in their life with God.…

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1 min

Scott Rubin: How Middle School Ministry Is Like Fantasy Football

I’m a FFB rookie; this is my first year “owning” a team. And I realize there are some undefeated teams out there, but I’m feeling pretty good (and lucky) about being 6-3 and tied for first. Here are a few comparisons I’ve noticed… – Week to week, you’re never sure what you’re going to get from your key players.…

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2 mins

Slow Down and See Kids Like Tyler

Hey Insiders, We have a moving story for you today from Neely McQueen. There is something to learn for all of us here about slowing down and SEEING people. What can you take away as a lesson from Tyler’s story?  By NEELY MCQUEEN My husband is a missions pastor at our church, and his office is about 200 feet away from mine.…

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2 mins

Junior High 101: Warm Showers and Root Beer

At Summer camp last month, one of our counselors faced a classic dilemma but at an increased level of intensity. One of the 7th grade boys in his cabin was homesick. But this young man wasn’t the “normal” kind of homesick.…

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1 min

Teaching Junior Highers About Sex

Posted By Kurt Johnston This weekend, we wrap up our series called, “The Guy/Girl Thing”. It’s a series dedicated to helping junior highers begin to navigate relationships with the opposite sex. Here is what we’ve covered so far: Week 1: Developing Healthy Friendships With Each Other.…

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2 mins

Part 1 of 3: Rural Church Youth Ministry

(Dear Small Church Friends, I am SO pumped to bring you this 3-part series from Brent Lacy, a rural youth ministry guy. He recently published his first book, Rural Youth Ministry through Group’s new line, Everyday Youth Ministry. I asked him to write this series because I know that many of you serve in rural settings and so I thought he could serve you best in this area.…

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2 mins

Teaching Teenagers 101, Part 1: It’s Not About You!

If you are like most youth workers, you probably find yourself in some sort of teaching environment once or twice a week! Let that settle in for a second; a couple of times a week you are responsible for creating learning environments in which the members of your youth group are exposed to, and wrestle through, some of life’s most crucial topics.…

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2 mins

Ministry Pep Talk: Our Enduring Calling

There is an ever-growing conversation around the end of youth ministry as we know it. Whether it be the end of paid full-time positions, the end of weekly youth group meetings, or the end of youth ministry altogether. At times these discussions get deeply heated and personal.…

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