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Join Rick for the eighth and final episode in the series—“THE HARVEST.” In his commentary on the Gospel of John, the great contemporary theologian N.T. Wright says: “The urgent question, then, is this: How do we ‘remain’ in him?” The leaders of the Taize movement, commenting on the message of John 15, wrote: “The essential thing for believers, then, is not to be concerned about ‘results’ or to dream up ambitious projects but simply to remain linked to Christ, to ‘remain in his love’” And Vaughan Roberts, rector of St Ebbe’s Church in Oxford, says: “Jesus is not a decorative shrub, useful for giving an aesthetic religious touch to life.…

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Join Rick for the second episode in a new series—“JESUS-PEOPLE.” We’ll be exploring the heart of Jesus through the lens of his friends and enemies. In this episode we encounter Nicodemus, who is an old man when he first meets Jesus.…

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Join Rick for the 10th episode of the series KINGDOM COME. We’re coming out of a very active hurricane season, and weather experts warn we’re entering into another in 2021. Hurricanes are frightening because they’re dangerous and destructive. But it turns out that hurricanes keep our planet alive by roiling the waters of our oceans so deeply that their nutrients are widely redistributed, causing rapid growth of the carbon-dioxide-eating phytoplankton and, thus, keeping the Earth from boiling over.…

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(PODCAST) THE HARVEST: Differentiation

Join Rick for the seventh episode in the series—“THE HARVEST.” We are all intimately attached to sources of life—a flower planted in soil, for instance, has more life flowing into it than cut flowers in a vase of water. Our attachments make all the difference… So let’s explore what wholeness looks like in Jesus, and in us—through the lens of how we attach (and detach) from our sources of life.…

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Join Rick for the first episode in a new ongoing series—“JESUS IN THE REAL WORLD.” We’ll be pursuing the heart of Jesus through the lens of what’s going on in the world right now… Our focus will be, as always, stay squarely on the heart of Jesus—not politics or ideologies.…

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2 mins

(PODCAST) KINGDOM COME: Hope/Fear/Conviction

Join Rick for the 8th episode of the new series KINGDOM COME. We are magnetically drawn to stories of hope and perseverance. That’s because perseverance is both heart-breaking and inspiring. It’s almost impossible to ignore. So, what are the common threads in all our stories of perseverance?…

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Join Rick and the Becky-nator for Episode 8 of Season 8 – “Losing Our Chaff” – a continuation of the series “THE WAYS OF JESUS.” Here Rick and Becky explore themes drawn from his just-released book titled Editing Jesus. In this episode they continue their deep dive into the “core” of Jesus’s mission—it’s not to plant a new religious movement, or to reset our moral compass, or to warn us of the consequences of rejecting a relationship with God.…

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Join Rick and the Becky-nator for Episode 7 of Season 8 – “Peculiar People” – a continuation of the series “THE WAYS OF JESUS.” Rick and Becky will be exploring themes drawn from his just-released book titled Editing Jesus. In this episode we explore why Peter calls the followers of Jesus “peculiar people”—of course, we translate that as… odd people.…

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