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(PODCAST) THE WAYS OF JESUS: The Relational Generosity of Jesus

Check out Episode 5 of Season 8: “The Relational Generosity of Jesus” — a continuation of the series “THE WAYS OF JESUS.” Rick and Becky will be exploring themes drawn from his upcoming book titled Editing Jesus. In this episode we explore one facet of the diamond-like beauty of Jesus—the way He longs to relate to us is deeply magnetic for our souls.…

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(PODCAST) THE WAYS OF JESUS: Mercy, Mercy, Mercy

Check out Episode 4 of Season 8: “Mercy, Mercy, Mercy” — a continuation of the series “THE WAYS OF JESUS.” Rick and Becky will be exploring themes drawn from his upcoming book (releasing June 4) titled Editing Jesus. In this episode we dive into a way of living that seems, well, weak—but in the weakness of this way of living is our greatest strength.…

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(PODCAST) THE WAYS OF JESUS: The Exclusionary Jesus

Check out Episode 3 of Season 8: “The Exclusionary Jesus” — a continuation of the series “THE WAYS OF JESUS.” Rick and Becky will be exploring themes drawn from his upcoming book (releasing June 4) titled Editing Jesus. In this episode we dive into a hard truth… Yes, Jesus was radically inclusive when he offered marginalized people dignity, or when he elevated women and Gentiles from a place of scorn, or when he chose to hang out with, and even honor, “sinners” like tax collectors and prostitutes.But…

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2 mins

(PODCAST) THE WAYS OF JESUS: Sitting at the Wrong End of the Table

Big news! Rick is re-launching his podcast Paying Ridiculous Attention to Jesus after a year-long sabbatical. Even bigger and better news—the Becky-nator will be joining him again to co-host. So check out the Episode 2 of Season 8 “Sitting at the Wrong End of the Table”—a continuation of the series “THE WAYS OF JESUS.”…

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3 mins


Join Rick for the first episode of Season 8, continuing the series—“THE WAYS OF JESUS.” Our understanding of death, and our fear of it, colors our life. It plays in the background, like a haunting film score to our life narrative.…

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(PODCAST) THE WAYS OF JESUS: Pushing Back Deception

After a two-month “impromptu sabbatical,” join Rick for the next episode of the new series—“THE WAYS OF JESUS.” The influence of our self-narratives. The story we tell ourselves, about ourselves, can lead us into captivity—the captivity Jesus came to set us free from.…

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Join Rick for the second episode in a new ongoing series—“JESUS IN THE REAL WORLD.” We’ll be pursuing the heart of Jesus through the lens of what’s going on in the world right now… In our culture today, we are the most connected/disconnected generation in history.…

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3 mins

(PODCAST) THE WAYS OF JESUS: Exercising Agency

Join Rick for the second episode of the new series—“THE WAYS OF JESUS.” Researchers say a strong factor feeding resilience is “the degree of control that the person has over the stressor.” When we can’t exert any control over the trauma we’ve experienced, the “agency” that fuels our hope is obliterated.…

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3 mins


Join Rick for the first episode of the series—“THE WAYS OF JESUS.” There was a miraculous birth that preceded the miraculous birth of Jesus—John the Baptist. He was born of an elderly couple, chosen to “prepare the way” for Jesus by calling the Jews to repentance.…

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3 mins


Join Rick for the final episode in the series—“JESUS IN THE REAL WORLD.” By mapping our responses to moral decision-making situations we can create a “moral map” for how human beings make right/wrong choices. But what about Jesus’ moral map? We discover that map in His “Sermon on the Mount.”…

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