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2 mins

A Critical Moment For Youth Ministry

I had the privilege of spending three days in the beautiful Colorado mountains with leaders from the world’s top youth ministry organizations. It was such an honor to laugh, cry, pray, and dream with the people who’ve been shaping youth ministry for decades.…

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4 mins

5 Ways to Lose Credibility With Students

We all know youth workers who have lost credibility with their students. We often pass judgment on them and know personally what we would have done differently. However, what makes a youth worker credible in a teenager’s eyes may be different from what a youth worker thinks will make them credible. …

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1 min

(Podcast) What the Book of Revelation Has to Do With You

Season 2, Episode 42: What the Book of Revelation Has to Do With You Revelation is one of the most misunderstood books of the Bible. Many people are attracted by its tantalizing reputation for offering signs that predict the future. But others are skeptical, and even alarmed, by the images it depicts.…

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2 mins

Can You Hear Me Now? A Guide to Mission Trip Communication

5 Best-practices for communicating the crucial details for your summer-trip adventures. There’s one sure-fire way to frustrate and alienate the parents in your ministry—do such a poor job of communicating the details of your summer trips that they feel disconnected, uninformed, and nervous.…

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3 mins

(PODCAST) KINGDOM COME: Seventy-Times-Seven

Join Rick for the 6th episode of the new series KINGDOM COME. The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, whose life we celebrate this week, led during a time of great division and racial tension and disillusionment in the country—like our time today.…

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2 mins

5 Ways to Strengthen A Growing Ministry

Well, you’re not going to brag about it, but things are going great in your ministry. Your fall kick-off went better than expected, and you’re finally seeing breakthroughs in teenagers who’ve left the sidelines to get in the game with Jesus.…

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4 mins

Confessions of a Youth Worker—The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Before I launch into my confession-vomit, a few qualifiers… I love my church… I’d attend even if I didn’t work there (I know not every church staff member can say that with a straight face). I love and respect my pastor and my boss—my bullet-point confessions are not a veiled critique.…

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2 mins

Look Ahead and Ask Who, Not How

In addition to all the extra tasks and events during the Christmas season, it’s also one of the busiest times in ministry. There are Advent services, volunteer opportunities, meetings, social events, and parties. Plus it’s almost January, so we’re making sure summer camps and mission trips are booked.…

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3 mins

(PODCAST) In His Image: Authenticity

Join Rick for the ninth episode of the series IN HIS IMAGE. Today author Jeff White is on the podcast to talk about “Authenticity.” His new “story Bible for adults” called Eyewitness is just out—Jeff’s challenge was to tell the stories of the Bible from a raw, first-person perspective.…

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3 mins

(PODCAST) In His Image: Pursuit

Join Rick for the 10th episode of the series IN HIS IMAGE. We all long to be noticed and enjoyed and appreciated for who we really are—to be pursued by a Lover who will sacrifice to be with us. Today we explore the way Jesus moves toward us in our life, captured best by the word “Pursuit.”…

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