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1 min

(Podcast) Foundations: Who Can Be Saved?

The Old Testament and the New Testament both have the phrase “chosen ones,” but with very different meanings. When it comes to salvation, what qualifies a person to be “chosen”? Join Rick as we continue a series exploring the foundational truths connected to Jesus and his mission in our lives.…

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5 mins

3 Creative Ways to Honor MLK Day

As we prepare to celebrate MLK Day, we’ll see plenty of “greatest hits” quotes from Martin Luther King, Jr. So much of what he said about social justice and racial equality is still relevant today. But Dr. King said a lot of powerful stuff that will never make it onto a meme.…

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1 min

(Podcast) The Beeline Practices: The Second “Prong” of Trust

Trust is a central part of our relationships, especially in our relationship with Jesus. But as broken people, how can broken trust impact us and is there a way to restore it back to normal? Join Rick and Becky for a new series that will focus on the everyday practices that draw us into closer and closer “orbit” around Jesus in our life.…

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1 min

(Podcast) Essential Questions—Why Do Bad Things Happen?

Whenever bad things happen, we can’t help but wonder, why? Though it can be difficult to look beyond the why, what would it look like to focus on the lessons Jesus reveals to us during these times? Join Rick for a new series exploring the essential questions everyone has and the ways Jesus can answer them. …

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1 min

(Podcast) Essential Questions—Is God Real?

Wondering whether God is real is a question many are tempted to answer with evidence or scientific proof. Instead of focusing on this approach, what would it look like to focus on our relationship with God as “proof” of his presence?…

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1 min

(Podcast) Essential Questions—What’s My Purpose?

Life can often feel like a huge mystery filled with many questions, with one of the biggest being “What’s my purpose?” Instead of just relying on ourselves to figure it all out, what would it look like to invite Jesus in to help solve that mystery with us?…

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1 min

(Podcast) Fully Human—Living the “Thicker Life”

We live in a culture filled with extreme beliefs and opinions that strongly differ from our own. How do we react when we’re challenged by others? Do we retreat into our protected bubbles? What if instead we attempted to model Jesus by wading into the marketplace of ideas and opinions?…

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1 min

(Podcast) Death to Life—No Sacrifice

Sacrifice. It’s a word that can easily bring about negative connotations, especially when viewed with an Old Testament frame of mind. What would it look like to shift our perspective to focus on and embrace the ultimate sacrifice Jesus made on the cross?…

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1 min

(Podcast) Death to Life—The Seed Mentality

In a world built upon seasons, it can be hard to understand how the death of something can bring the necessary transformation that leads to new life. As we move into the Easter season, what does it take to embrace this unique cycle in our own lives, while also trusting in Jesus to guide the entire process?…

A group of teens with their arms around one another.
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3 mins

6 No-Fail Ways to Grow Closer Community

Play a game with me… Imagine you weren’t allowed to have small groups of any kind in your youth ministry. How would you build community? We all know that creating relationship-rich spaces to grow community is important, but what if our go-to greenhouse for friendship-building wasn’t an option?…

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