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Moving Social Media to Social Ministry

I remember asking my supervisor for budget approval to purchase a new video camera. I was ready for him to tell me I was asking for too much money. I presented my request, and there was no discussion. It was a resounding “yes.”…

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1 min

(Podcast) Jesus and Racism

We’re washed over by waves of grief, fear, and uncertainty in our world right now. As followers of Jesus, we know that racism is contrary in every way to the heart of Jesus. And yet, it persists like the “weeds scattered in secret by the thief” in Jesus’ Parable of the Wheat and Weeds.  …

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3 mins

Essentials for the Lockdown Ministry Season

Like many of you, I’ve got ministry friends all over. When the rumblings of a quarantine first started, I reached out to a few of my closest friends to mine their perspective on what might happen. When reality set in, I reached back out to see what student ministry would look like inside our new reality.…

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1 min

(Podcast) Foundations: More

Although God is self-sufficient in every way, he decides to create more. The “heavens and the earth.” You and me (and look what trouble He invited when He did that). What is the purpose of more when you are already enough?…

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1 min

(Podcast) Foundations: Breathe

On the seventh day God finished his work of creation, so he rested. But why did an all-sufficient God need rest? What kind of rest is this—and what is the truth about the rest Jesus is inviting us into? Join Rick as he continues a series exploring the foundational truths connected to Jesus and his mission in our lives.…

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1 min

(Podcast) Foundations: Resilience

“Hard” is a word we’re likely using more now than we did before. In these times, what factors make “hard” something people embrace, rather than avoid? Join Rick as he continues a series exploring the foundational truths connected to Jesus and his mission in our lives.…

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3 mins

5 Ways COVID Has Changed Me (and Maybe You)

Jesus is an artist, and he’s used the ugly raw material of the COVID-19 pandemic and re-fashioned it in ways we couldn’t conceive… We’ve all been dragged into a forced re-set—we’ve had to rely on Jesus, not our own ministry swagger or momentum, to feel our way forward.…

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1 min

(Podcast) Foundations: “Up From the Grave”

Jesus was able to take death seriously while also not being afraid of it. In a time where we seem to be surrounded by death, let’s start to focus on hope and how Jesus gives us hope. Join Rick as he continues a series exploring the foundational truths connected to Jesus and his mission in our lives.…

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3 mins

5 Tools for Jesus-Style Digital Discipling

Use these 5 digital tools to help disciple youth in your ministry. In his day, Jesus used one of the most powerful communication tools known to man—it’s called “the parable.” He was a master storyteller. And so, we read in Matthew 13, when he has gathered a large crowd, he leverages the moment by telling five parables in a row.…

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1 min

(Podcast) Foundations: Love=Community

Now that “social distancing” is becoming the new norm, how can we still be in community? Join Rick as he continues a series exploring the foundational truths connected to Jesus and his mission in our lives. Let’s take a closer look at examples in the Bible where Jesus defines love in community.…

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