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(Podcast) The New-ness of You—Heart Over Head

Some think the key to happiness lies in going to the right school to get the right degree so they can get the right job. Head first. However, could this way of thinking be backwards? Is finding and living out our core purpose in life what helps us experience the most happiness?…

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1 min

(Podcast) The New-ness of You—Invited In

We have all experienced the feeling of being an outsider along with the want to be invited in. What is it that draws us to be an insider? What’s the appeal? And how can becoming an insider have a transformational impact in our lives?…

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2 mins

Digital Small Groups

In my 20+ years of youth ministry, I’ve seen shifts in programming that are often tied to shifts in the wider culture.  To stay ahead of the wave, we try to be proactive about rethinking the way we do ministry. When we’re ready to roll out new ideas, we veer away from “launching programs” and, instead, tell our ministry leaders and teenagers that we’re “experimenting” with a new approach. …

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3 mins

(PODCAST) In His Image: Grow

Join Rick for the 12th and final episode of the series IN HIS IMAGE. The tough, marginal, and challenging conditions that produce rare wine from stressed vines also produce martyrs and saints and “beautiful messes” like you and me. Paul tells us we are “struck down, but not destroyed… so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.”…

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3 mins

(PODCAST) Present Concerns: The Future

Join Rick and Becky for the 3rd episode of the new series PRESENT CONCERNS—we’ll be exploring the issues and challenges we’re facing in this strangest of seasons, connecting them directly to how Jesus dealt with similar issues. In this episode, we’ll dive into—“The Future.”…

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3 mins

(PODCAST) Present Concerns: Foolishness

Join Rick for the 4th episode of the new series PRESENT CONCERNS—we’ll explore the challenges we’re facing in this strangest of seasons, discovering how Jesus leaned into similar issues. In this episode, we’ll dive into—“Foolishness.” If you do something foolish it’s sort of like saying you did something “silly,” right?…

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2 mins

(PODCAST) Present Concerns: Consider the Birds

Join Rick for the 6th episode of the new series PRESENT CONCERNS—we’ll explore our looming life challenges and discover how Jesus is working to bring beauty in the swirl of our ugly. In this episode, we’ll… “Consider the Birds.” It’s almost impossible for us to stop worrying—we all have concerns that dominate our thoughts.…

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2 mins


Join Rick for the 9th episode of the new series KINGDOM COME. Miracles are startling because they are supposed to be impossible, right? And in this episode, Rick tells a personal story that certainly qualifies as a miracle on every level.…

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3 mins

(PODCAST) Present Concerns: Hope Deferred

Join Rick and Becky for the 7th episode of the new series PRESENT CONCERNS—we’ll explore our looming life challenges and discover how Jesus works our ugly into beauty, like clay in His hands. In this episode, we’ll explore… “Hope Deferred.” We tend to think about our hopes in the major categories of life, but we have hundreds of tiny, unrealized hopes crawling around our life every day.…

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